Page 56 of Critical Witness

“Is it him?” Will asked, staring at the small screen.

“Can’t tell. Solo man, though. That definitely tilts the odds in our favor.”

“Follow him down. Lobby team, get eyes on him, but don’t make it obvious. Tank? You need to get up there, now. I want inside that room.”

“That’s going to be a bit difficult,’ Tank whispered. “My friends just heard back from HR and confirmed there is no new security member starting today. I had to bail. They’ll be looking for me.”

“I’ll do it,” Hannah said right away. “I’ll slip on a lanyard and I can get up to the fourteenth floor. Tank, bring me the key.”

Will whirled around to look at her, his eyes flashing. He pulled out his earpiece. “Are you crazy? Absolutely not! I’ll do it. Tank can stay here with you.”

“Will, look at that lobby. You’ll stick out like a sore thumb, just like Jackson and the others. I can disappear into the crowd of these women and no one will give me a second look.”

“She’s right,” came Ryder’s voice through her earpiece.

“Put your earbud back in, so you can hear your team agreeing with me,” she said with a soft smile.

Will’s expression was pained. “I don’t want you in danger,” he admitted in a whisper. He stepped close and laid a hand on her waist.

“I’ll be okay. You guys have my back, right?”

“You say the word and the entire team comes running,” he promised.

Replies came through the earbud in rapid succession.

“Of course.”

“One-hundred percent.”

“We’ve got your six, pretty girl.”

Hannah warmed at the reminder that she wasn’t alone. It was still an unfamiliar feeling, one she thought she could get used to.

Will pressed a kiss to her lips. “We’ll follow Yuri. You get into his room.” He handed her a small black rectangle. “You’re going to place this somewhere. On the back of the alarm clock or something. Inconspicuous, okay?”

She nodded. “Got it.” She studied the thumbnail-sized thin square. “What is it?”

“Listening device,” he said.

“I’m at the van. Don’t shoot me,” Tank said dryly. A moment later, the van door opened and Tank squeezed through the single open side. “Sorry, boss. They must be worried after the assassination or something. I’ve never had the new guy schtick blow up so quickly.

“It’s okay. I want you out front of the hotel. Ryder, you got him?”

“Not yet. Elevators are slammed with these girls.”


Tank handed it over.

“Okay, you pick him up at the front and keep eyes on him so we know how long Hannah has.”

Tank slipped back out the rear of the van.

“Be safe,” Will warned, squeezing her hand. “Anything seems off, you talk to us, okay?”

Hannah nodded. “I can do this. Iwantto do this.”

She pressed up and kissed him once more, memorizing the feel of his four-day stubble on her cheek.