Page 53 of Critical Witness

He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Thank you,” he breathed. They needed all the prayers they could get.


Hannah rodein the passenger seat of the Bud’s Plumbing van because Will insisted.

“I’m not having you riding around without a seatbelt. I didn’t protect you from this guy for a week just to have a car accident take it all away.”

Pierce had driven the blue SUV, just in case they needed an extra escape route for some reason. Jackson was driving the van, and the other three men were sitting on the floor in the back, which sported no seats.

It was a funny sight, these well-dressed men in nice clothes, surrounded by bags she knew contained guns, ammo, and a whole slew of high-tech toys that would help them on the surveillance operation.

She pulled her phone from her pocket. Will had taken the SIM card out days ago, but she carried it around out of habit anyway. “Mind if I grab a photo, guys?”

Ryder raised an eyebrow and turned to Will.

Hannah rolled her eyes. “You’re making history here! In thirty years, this whole mission will be declassified and the world will want a glimpse of the man who took down Darkshade.”

Will didn’t look convinced.

She held up her right hand. “I solemnly swear I will not share or publish this photo in any form without express written consent of the parties represented and the United States government.”

“She’s good,” Tank grunted.

“Should have been a dang lawyer instead of a journalist,” Will muttered. “Fine. Take all the photos you want. But nothing is shared without permission.”

“Yessir,” she replied smartly, with an exaggerated salute that made the guys snicker. She grabbed the photo while their faces still held the hint of smiles.

She looked at it on her screen, her eyes immediately drawn to the steely blue of Will’s eyes, locked on her. What she saw there made her catch her breath. Somehow, the camera captured emotions that she’d never seen on his face. Or perhaps she had seen them and denied their existence because that was easier.

Frozen in time though by the camera, the respect and love was written all over his face.

She rubbed a hand over her heart.

“Five minutes out,” Jackson said, kicking her pulse into overdrive.

She continued looking over her shoulder and watched the team slip earpieces in. Will reached forward and handed her one. “Here,” he said. “You’ll need this.”

She looked at the small, clear device. It looked like the business end of her own cheap gas station earbuds. She tested it between her fingers and found it soft and malleable. Slipping it into her left ear, she couldn’t deny the thrill it gave her. She felt like 007. Or a Charlie’s Angel.

She startled slightly when she heard Will’s voice in her ear. She could hear him without the earbud, since he was two feet away, but the earbud made it feel like he was whispering in her ear. Minus the breathy warmth or tickle of his skin against hers.

Definitely a poor substitute.

“How does this work? Can you hear me? Do I have to press something?” She reached her hand up to her ear, but Will shook his head.

“Nope. No button. We can hear anything you say, and vice versa.”

“Even the slightest whisper will get picked up.”

She heard Jackson’s voice but hadn’t heard him say anything, and he was sitting right next to her. “That’s so cool. How?”

“Bone conduction or something,” said Will. “I don’t know. Ask Joey.”

Hannah took the hint at his business-like tone that the time for getting excited about their toys was over. Jackson pulled into the parking garage.

“Here’s your stop, Ryder. Meet up with Pierce and you guys have lunch at the hotel restaurant.”

“They get lunch?” Jackson asked. “What about the rest of us?”