Page 26 of Critical Witness

He checked his watch. “I’m going to grab one more trip. Wait here,” he commanded.

She nodded and he paused.

“You’ll be all right. I’ll be right back.” Then he was gone.

She watched a large black van race by. The entrance to the motel was on the opposite end, so she couldn’t see if it turned in. The sound of a helicopter in the distance had her cowering closer to the brick wall behind the dumpster. Was Will coming back? Had he already been captured?

Then, she heard the whisper. “Okay, let’s move.”

She turned with wide eyes and saw Will’s smile first, followed by his hand, extended toward hers. He helped her up and then they ran, ducking into a culvert that ran under the busy street.

Most of their gear remained stashed by the dumpster with all the appearance of normal trash. She had her backpack, but otherwise they were free to move quickly through the dark, damp drainage pipe.

Once they emerged on the other side, Will tugged her arm, and she slowed her pace instinctively to match his. He checked his phone and directed her to turn left, reaching for her hand and capturing it in his.

To anyone looking on, they might as well be lovers out for an evening stroll.

Except for the helicopter overhead and the sound of sirens growing louder by the minute as more cars descended on the small hotel.

“Who was that?” she asked.

“FBI,” Will answered casually, as though he evaded the feds every day. Hannah’s gasp of surprise must have amused him, because Will’s dimples appeared again, though a smile barely crossed his face.


“We’re running from the FBI? Aren’t we on their team?”

He shrugged. “Most of them, probably. But someone in charge over there isn’t working for the good guys. Luckily, we have a man inside. He didn’t quite give me the ten minutes I asked for, but I’ll let it slide.”

Hannah shook her head. “I don’t know how you can be so casual about this. We’re basically wanted fugitives now, right?”

He gave her a smile. “Kind of. Except we have authority they don’t know about. Staying out of their crosshairs is more about saving time than anything else.”

She nodded. “If you say so. Can’t say I love the idea of running from the cops.”

He stopped walking and turned toward her. “Do you trust me?” Their hands were still joined and hung between them, tethering her to him.

Hannah’s breath caught at the intensity in his eyes. She swallowed and hesitantly nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

He squeezed her hand. “Okay, then. Let’s get out of here before the feds come after us like a blue tick hound after a wild fox.”

They walked a bit more, randomly turning every now and then, but making consistent progress in the opposite direction of the hotel. When his phone rang, Will frowned at it before answering.

“Pete’s Taco Truck, how can I help you?”

Hannah giggled. Who was this person?

Will’s confusion quickly turned to a wry smile. “Can’t say I was happy to hear your boys were on the way. What’s that about?”

Hannah desperately wished she could hear the other side of the conversation. Who was it?

“No, no. I appreciate the heads-up we got. Nobody wants to deal with friendly fire. We’re on the same team, even if not everyone knows it.”

She waited while he listened to the caller for a bit.

“Understood. I think we’ll have something very soon. Stay sharp and watch your six, Roscoe.”

When Will disconnected the call, Hannah raised her eyebrows, hoping for an explanation.