Page 18 of Critical Witness

He pulled a few things out of the bag, chuckling at Miranda’s thoroughness. The food smelled amazing, but that wasn’t all. One bag tucked inside the others was labeled with the name “Melanie.”

Pulling it from the rest, he walked slowly over to Melanie. She had her back to the wall where she’d been tucked behind Tank. The fear played across her face as obvious as the bruises.

“Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe. That was from Miranda. She sent a message but I missed it.”

Melanie inhaled a shaky breath and nodded unconvincingly.

Will held out the bag with her name on it. “I think you were worried about clothes? I’m pretty sure Miranda has you covered.”

Her mouth fell open as she hesitantly took the bag from him and looked inside.

Will watched as her eyes filled with tears.

“Whoa, whoa. What’s wrong? It’s just some clothes. If you don’t like them, we can…”

He trailed off as Melanie shook her head with a chuckle. She sniffed and pressed her eyes closed, causing a few tears to escape the confines of her delicate lashes. “I’m okay. Just.. tell her thank you.”

Will was so confused. “Sure. It’s no problem. It’s her job, you know.”

Melanie looked back at the clothes in her hand. Will desperately wished he could know what she was thinking. He stuffed his hand in his pocket to keep it from reaching out to tip her chin up toward him.

“I think I’m going to take that shower now,” she said softly.

He stepped aside, letting her pass him so she could go into the bathroom. After she shut the door behind her, Will stared at it for a long time. Something about this woman was getting under his skin. Details were important in a job like his, and though he understood her distrust and her desire to hang on to the video, he didn’t understand why a set of clothes would make her cry. Or why he had the inexplicable urge to trace a thumb over her cheek to wipe a tear away. He much preferred the feisty, strong-willed woman he’d argued with in the cafe. Determined and ambitious Melanie, he could understand.

Hurting and vulnerable Melanie? That made his heart ache to bring a smile to her sad face and promise to protect and provide for far longer than this mission entailed.

And that was a thought that scared the tar out of him. He remembered the photo from the apartment of a young, vibrant Melanie. It was a marked difference from the underweight, beaten-down version of the same woman he protected now. What had happened between that photo and now to dim that spark? Whatever it was had taken an obvious physical toll as well.

The rustle of plastic behind him finally made him tear his eyes away from the closed door. Tank was digging through the shopping bag, pulling out takeout containers and setting them on the desk.

“Oh, thank the Lord for Miranda Bailey,” said Pierce as he spotted the food.

Murmurs of agreement came from Tank. Will stood back and let his guys dig in.

“Make sure to leave enough for Melanie,” he cautioned. He’d noticed how thin she was when he carried her from the wreckage at the cafe.

Coupled with the beater of a car, the crappy apartment and empty fridge, and her desperation to sell the video, all evidence pointed to the likelihood of Melanie Byers skipping meals to save money. The thought made his stomach turn.

While his team ate their dinner, Will pulled up the video on his laptop again. Maybe there was something he’d missed. The sooner they caught the shooter, the sooner she could move forward with her original plan.

His eyes slid across the room to her bag. It was lying across the bed and the corner of a laptop stuck out.

He’d overnighted the other laptop to Joey after her insistence that she couldn’t break into it unless he could get it connected. Great, now he’d have to call her and tell her not to bother. That one must have belonged to the roommate.

They needed the rest of their equipment so he could plug into the computer and give Joey access.

He tried to call Joey first. Instead, Stephen picked up.

“Where’s Joey?”

“Um, hi. She went with the team to Zia? I’m not really sure. But maybe I can help you?”

Will sighed. “Look, I know Joey said you’re one of the best she’s seen–”

“She said that? Wow. Phoenix said that about me?” His hero worship of Joey was next-level. Will knew she was an accomplished hacker, but apparently there was more he didn’t know.

“Pull it together kid. I need your help. I sent you a computer. It should arrive in the next hour or so.”