Page 23 of The Castaway

“Dad didn’t.”

Athena reaches over and rests a hand on her sister’s knee. “I think he did love it, but it reminded him of himself, and no parent likes to see their own worst traits reflected in their children.”

“You sound like a therapist,” Harlow says, leaning over and bumping Athena’s shoulder with hers.

“Maybe I’ll go back to school and get my degree in clinical psychology or something.”

“You mean give up the fast-paced, exciting life of a librarian?” Harlow jokes.

Athena shoots her a serious look. “Yeah. Maybe I need something more tame.”

“Like a lion trainer?”

“More like one of those people who works on skyscrapers and walks on the metal structure a million feet from the ground with just a harness and a hardhat.”

“Or you could just stay here and help Mom with the bookstore.” Harlow throws her sister a glance.

“Hey, so could you.”

“Let’s see how long she’ll let us stay before she kicks us out,” Harlow says. “Just keep your nose clean so we both look good, okay?”

The girls giggle at the ridiculousness of Athena misbehaving. They lace their fingers together, then sit and watch the waves as they let the idea of staying on Shipwreck Key percolate between them.


Ruby wakes up to a text from Harlow in the group chat she shares with both of her girls. The fact that they’re currently sharing a house doesn’t stop them from regularly dropping stories, pictures, and links to news articles in their group chat as if they’re still living in three separate cities, and carrying on conversations from their respective bedrooms either late at night or first thing in the morning. Ruby reaches for her reading glasses on her nightstand and sits up in bed. Outside, the sky is blue and the seagulls are already swooping and diving for breakfast in the clear water.

Harlow:Mom, you have to watch this. It seems like a million years ago!

There’s a YouTube link below this message with a tiny thumbnail picture of a younger Ruby sitting on a couch.

Athena:When is this, and where did you find it, Lo?

Harlow:Oprah reposted it on Insta this year for National First Ladies Day and I saved it but forgot to send it. Apparently Mom is ranked the number one favorite First Lady in the past hundred years.

Ruby:I would question who took part in that particular poll. Seriously, girls. No one is voting me as a favorite over Michelle Obama.

Athena:And not to crack on Mom, but what about Jackie O?

Ruby:Thank you, Bean. Exactly NO ONE is going to favor me in my Converse high tops and cargo pants over Jackie in her pillbox hats and gloves. At least no one with any fashion sense.

Athena:Definitely not what I meant, Mom.

Ruby:I know, honey.

Harlow:Isn’t today the first day of book club?

Athena:It is the first day of her book club, and I can’t wait. You all ready for the big event, Mom?

Ruby:I think so. Are you both coming? I want you girls to be there!

Harlow:I’m excited for you, Mamacita. I hope all the chicks who show up are as cool as you. And can we come even if we haven’t read the book? Because I definitely haven’t read the book.

Ruby:No one has—we’re choosing the first one this evening.

Athena:I’ll be there. You had me at “book club.”

Harlow:[attaches photo of herself laying in bed, sticking out her tongue] Fine. I’ll be there too, but mostly because I heard there’ll be wine and cake.