“For now, yes.” Ados shrugged again.

Kynor was frustrated. He liked Ados, but the thought of him with his sister was appalling. Ados was a thug. A massive, highly intelligent thug. Delicate little Kyda would be crushed if he made the wrong move.

Kynor asked, “What about for later?”

Ados smiled. “Later is later. If she activates on the roster again, I will be sending flowers and waiting for a date.”

“What makes her so special?” Kynor had to know.

Ados looked at him. “When you meet someone who makes you feel like the world is right just because she is there, you will understand.”

* * * *

Standing on her own two feet after twelve days was weird. Her knees felt strange, and her elbows felt loose, but the filigree bands on her limbs were giving her a soft strength to her skin. She was normally so worried about it, but Arcady had been prodding her with scalpels. Almost nothing cut, and what did cut didn’t bleed. She was inside a breathable force field. The people around her were safe.

She put on the medical tunic and trousers with slow attention to detail.

Then she stepped into grippy socks and could finally curl up in bed. She climbed into the medical bed, and Arcady tucked her in.

“Jeez. Your new face... holy crap. It’s perfect.”

Kyda shrugged. “It was designed to be. Genetic engineering at its finest.”

Arcady smoothed her hand across Kyda’s forehead. “Gorgeous and sweet. You are going to have to be reclassified if you want to stay with the BDC.”

Kyda blinked. “I don’t know. I know I must get another job in eighteen days since I have been suspended at work and with the BDC.”

“Why the deadline?”

Kyda yawned. “Asylum condition. Kynor became an agent, and I had to get a day job.”

“When was that?”

“Eight years ago.”

“We will see what we can find for you. Maybe the coffee kiosk in the lobby.”

Kyda nodded. “I would like that. I am so sleepy.”

“Nighty-night then. We will work it out. Eighteen days?”

“Or they throw me away,” she mumbled and curled up against her pillow.

* * * *

Arcady looked at the government representative who had made his way in to take custody of Kyda. “Nope. You can’t have her.”

Kritz raised his brows. “He can’t?”

“No. She is an asylum seeker, and the qualifications to reject her asylum have not yet been met.” Arcady glared. “I am very good at bureaucracy.”

He cleared his throat. “She is a danger to the population.”

Kritz grinned. “She isn’t. We have created a walking restraint system that has rendered her no more dangerous than the average active.”

“Can we get specs on that system?”

Arcady smiled tightly. “As soon as we see your clearance.”