Nandy frowned. “Who is coming?”

Kyda looked at Aluhara. “Her daughters and granddaughters, and they are moving fast.”

Kynor grimaced. “No boys?”

Kyda reached out and patted his cheek. “You get to be an only son. And a young brother to...” She closed her eyes and counted the minds touching hers. “Six sisters and currently two nieces. We are the youngest siblings.”

Aluhara was stunned. “Five more? Grandchildren?”

Kyda winced and rubbed her temples. “Yes. And they are heading for the stronghold because that is where my signal broadcasted from. They are coming to meet me, so I should really be there.”

“They? They are all coming?” Aluhara gripped her mate’s arm.

Kyda nodded. “They are coming.”

Her parent’s eyes were eager. “When?”

Kyda exhaled slowly. “One hour. We should really mention it to the royal family. These ladies aren’t going to arrive quietly.”

Kynor scowled. “How do you know about the royal family of the Sethir?”

She snorted. “The BDC escorts talk and compare notes. The mention of the tail at the wedding was a big giveaway.”

Ados snorted, Nandy grinned, and everyone but the scientist gathered around Ados.

He turned into swirling chaos, and a moment later, they were at the stronghold. Hedoreth began speaking into his com unit, and a set of guards emerged from the stronghold a moment later. They were escorted into the building, taking a different path than they had before.

Kyda could still feel the other minds, but now, they were closer and quieter. Anticipation burned in their minds. The pain was gone now, but they were a drumbeat in her thoughts.

She leaned her head against Ados and murmured, “I am still dressed, right?”

“Yes.” He was amused.

“Good. I am growing a family all in one day. Maybe two.”

He chuckled. “You are handling it well.”

“The pain helps my concentration.”

“It still hurts?”

“You have five shocked strangers yelling in your head, and tell me how calm you would be.”

“I can see how that would be uncomfortable.”

“Yeah, but Aluhara looks excited as hell. It’s worth a little pain.” She noted more guarded doors. “Where are we going?”

“The main audience chamber. It is easy to secure if necessary.”

“Ah. Are we there yet?”

He smiled. “Yes.”

They walked through a set of doors, and guards blocked the entrance behind them.

Aluhara walked up to Kyda. “Are you in pain, child?”

“Little bit. My elders are loud.”