“Well, that explains my brother. He got really big, really fast.” She paused. “Pleased to meet you, Hedoreth.”

He grinned. “I never thought her daughter would be so tall.”

She nodded and looked at Aluhara. “I am sorry that you did not meet me as a child. I was not very pleasant.”

Aluhara cupped her jaw and smiled. “I don’t believe that.”

“I killed three of my researchers before I was six.”

Her donor beamed. “Good girl. How old are you?”


Aluhara cupped her cheek. “Beautiful. So, your fiancé has been taking good care of you?”

She blinked and said, “My what? No. I don’t have a—” A large, warm hand pressed to the middle of her back.

She slowly turned to look at Ados. “What the actual hell?”

He smiled slowly. “I was meaning to mention that.”

Hedoreth grinned. “You are not promised? If not, I have quite the list of cousins, and Riithan has a list of military males who would like to get in line.”

“Whoa. That’s not... what the hell? I am not even safe for most males.” She frowned.

Aluhara frowned. “What do you mean?”

Kyda exhaled. “I think we need to sit down for this.”

They sat around the tiny table, and Aluhara kept Kyda’s hand in hers as Kyda explained her origins and the effect of her activation. Aluhara kept her hand on Kyda’s the whole time; she didn’t flinch.

“I might want to call on that when Hedoreth dies. I don’t know if I want to continue without him.”

Aluhara’s mate gasped and pulled her away from Kyda.

Kyda blinked as fury filled her donor’s gaze, and she growled at her mate. It wasn’t a cute growl. Kyda sat stunned as Aluhara told her partner exactly what she was going to do if he ever got between her and any of her children again.

Kyda looked at Ados. “I am her child?”

“Genetically, but I think, if she could, she would hatch you all over again.” Ados was smiling.

She frowned. “That’s an image.” She thought about the woman and Kyda and Kynor, and then a blinding pain struck her brain. She clutched her head and heard Ados yelling. Images filled her mind, and she clutched her head harder. There was lightning, and then Nandy was yelling.

Chapter Six

Kyda woke up in Nandy’s lab, and her head was pounding. “Ow.”

Nandy and Ados were next to her a moment later, and she tried to sit up. “What the hell hit my brain?”

Kynor’s voice sounded from near her. “According to Ados’s grandmother, you did a blood call. That’s why I am here.”

She tried to turn her head, but her brain hurt. “What happened?”

“You made pathways. New pathways. You can now track your blood links.” Nandy smiled. “Your brain hurts because there are new connections now, and it was a little inflamed. You are recovering now. A little caffeine and a salad should fix you right up.”

Kynor helped her sit up. “Nice dress.”

“Thanks. I wore it to meet our donor. She’s lovely and looks younger than me and has for a lot of decades.” She smiled and winced in pain.