Nandy rushed toward her and lifted her head, jetting a syringe of glucose into Kyda’s mouth.

“What did you use?”

She swallowed, and when her mouth was clear, she muttered, “Fabrication and speed as well as strength and accuracy.”

“I see. How did they work?”

“Pretty well. I should have had a bigger breakfast but didn’t want to eat alone.”

“Ah. Ados had to go to the stronghold. He had to file some requisitions. He should be back soon.”

“Okay. I am just going to lie here for a bit. The grass is nice.”

Nandy took a seat next to her and eased her head onto her lap. Kyda sighed as the older woman stroked her hair.

Five minutes later, she felt a little better. “Okay. I am ready to crawl to the house.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yup. Just put out the honey container and leave me to my shame.”

Nandy laughed, and Kyda struggled to her knees. A flash of lightning made her grimace. “Aw, balls.”

“Kyda, what happened?” An arm wrapped around her ribs and lifted her to her feet.

“I underestimated my calorie count. Can you haul me into the house?”

Ados helped his grandmother to her feet and supported Kyda into the house. Nandy got the honey, and as Kyda was seated at the kitchen table, she turned the container upside-down and stuck out her tongue. Ados made a strangled noise, and Nandy laughed.

Three tablespoons of sweet flower extract later and she stopped chugging honey. She set it down, and hands took the container away. A warm plate was slid in front of her, and Ados sat down next to her, cutting her food for her.

She struggled to swallow the last of the honey and grabbed for the mug. It was full of fruit juice.Too much sugar.She leaned back and blinked rapidly. “Ew.”

“You need fast calories. I have been checking your system stats, and you are depleting all of your reserves faster than you are putting them in.” Nandy held up a tablet. “I don’t know how I missed the alerts while you were burning out.”

“You were busy.”

Ados looked at her. “Eat. Protein is a slower release.”

She grimaced and made the food she had prepped earlier disappear. When it was all gone from biscuits to bacon, she sat back, knowing she should be full but also knowing she had more room.

She looked to Ados. “Did you have a good meeting?”

He paused and smiled slowly. “I did. My parents were a bit surprised, but they eventually came out on my side of things.”

Nandy paused. “Your father was there?”

“Yes. He’s on the advisory council now.”

She sighed. “Oh. He was looking well?”

“He and my mother were fine. They were not convinced, but after I spoke to them for a few minutes, they agreed. I also spoke to the donor.”

Kyda blinked. “Donor?”

“The egg donor. LadyAluhara.”

Nandy hissed, “Why did you do that?”