Nandy sounded surprised when she said, “Why not?”

“Uh, it’s kind of personal.”

Ados murmured, “You are among friends. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Kyda sighed and looked at them. “Since some of the samples were Sethir, my sense of smell has kicked in, and I am finding the scent of my own body offensive.”

Ados covered his mouth, and she knew he was smiling. He got up and came around, bending to take her hands. He pulled her to her feet and led her around the blanket to sit between Ados and Nandy. Ados chuckled. “We are used to smelling first and seeing second. Your scent is extremely pleasant.”

Nandy laughed.

She slumped.

Kyda felt him rubbing her back like he had on their dates. He eased her closer, and she ended up leaning against him, just like she had on their dozen dates. “This isn’t appropriate.”

He chuckled. “I have seen you without your mask. Your secrets are now mine to discover.”

Nandy cleared her throat. “Grandson, keep yourself under control.”

He sighed. “I am, Grandmother, or I would have taken her someplace private.”

Kyda frowned. “Like fuck you would have.”

Nandy chuckled. “She’s fun. She’s everything I designed her to be.”

Ados paused. “You said you could treat her. What do you mean she’s what you designed?”

“I was the original scientist working on the reproductive restrictions of the Sethir. I created this experiment for donated eggs from active females. The donor of Kyda’s egg was beautiful and powerful. She still is, I think.”

Kyda sat up. “Oh. Right. Genetic relatives. Well, aside from Kynor.”

Ados chuckled. “He’s pissed.”

“He’s young. He will get over it.”

Ados leaned forward and loaded a plate, handing it to Kyda. “There. You look pale. Eat up.”

He did the same for Nandy with less food and only said, “Here you go, Nandy.”

“Thank you, pet.”

Kyda smiled and started eating.

Nandy sighed. “Kyda. Manners dictate that we wait for Ados.”

“Oh.” She put her sandwich back on the plate.

Ados stroked her cheek. “Kyda, you go first.”

She looked to Nandy, who was staring in surprise. “Uh, it’s okay. I can wait.”

He looked at his grandmother and filled his plate. “Nandy, manners indicate that you don’t correct a guest.”

Nandy laughed. “That is true, but I get the feeling she will be closer to family.”

Ados snorted. “Early days, Nandy.”

He sat back and ate, and they all resumed the meal.