Kyda blinked. “I see. Do you know when?”

“No. He comes when he can.”

Kyda nodded. “So, no warning.”

“No. Why?”

“Uh, he just makes me nervous. Do you know why he brought me here?”

“Your brother was worried, so Ados moved you somewhere safe.”

Kyda relaxed. “Oh. Kynor. Right. Yeah, he would want to calm his buddy.”

Nandy smiled. “Which one of them would? Ados is normally very calm.”

“Uh, Kynor is protective for a younger brother.”


“Yes. He was the sixth gestation, but they froze him. I was the seventh, and when I was six or so, they had him brought to term, and from there on, he grew very quickly. He’s sixteen now with a twenty-five-year-old’s body.”

Nandy frowned. “Is his aging stabilized?”

“I think so. He has looked the same since he was eleven. Time just has to catch up with his body.”

“That is fascinating. I wish I could meet him.” The older woman pouted, and then her expression cleared. “Ah, well, I can still examine you to see what my formulas created.”

Kyda wrinkled her nose. “Right. Can I go make us some coffee or something? Maybe coffeecake or a muffin?”

Nandy’s eyes lit with excitement. “You can cook?”

“Sure. Food service is my thing. If you cut yourself, you have to wrap things up so I am not dangerous to those around me. I am very good with knives and not cutting myself.”

“Let’s deactivate that field you have going and put down a blood drop on this slide. I can play while you bake.”

Kyda was amused. “Yes, Nandy.”

The researcher used a small device to pause the effect of the brace on Kyda’s left hand, and then the single crimson drop was procured. Nandy literally chortled as she put the blood on the slide, and the protective field was returned to full strength before Kyda was dismissed to go play in the kitchen.

She headed up the stairs with her scrubs on and used a lock of her hair to wrap the rest in a ponytail. Kyda spent five minutes learning the kitchen and pulling out what she needed when she found it. Fifteen minutes later, the coffeecake was in the oven, and the coffee percolated.

When the cake was cooling on a rack, she went downstairs to get Nandy.

She went through the security check, and the door slid open to let her into the lab. She walked up to the researcher. “Nandy? If you are interested, I made coffee and coffeecake with blueberries.”

Nandy looked up, and her nose twitched. “It smells good. Right. I will take a break.”

She pushed away from her terminal, washed her hands, and smiled at Kyda. “I am looking forward to eating someone else’s cooking. I usually heat and eat and go.”

As they walked to the kitchen, Nandy paused at the table, looking at the precise layout of the sliced cake and coffee cups.

Kyda got a set of tart shells out of the oven and put them aside to cool.

Nandy looked at them. “What are those?”

“You wanted fruit tarts. I made the shells.”

“Wow. You paid attention. Well, have a seat. I don’t like to eat alone.”