The suit spluttered and cleared his throat. “I have to make a call.”
Arcady smiled. “Let me walk you to an area where a signal can get out.”
She walked him out and got a weird feeling. She used the new HUD that Kritz had implanted and sent all staff out on break before they got there.
The guy fiddling with his com and handheld unit walked ahead of her, and she hung back and activated the lock on the gate she had just passed.
The suit lifted the small flat unit above his head, and Arcady ran back behind the next lock, activating it. The explosion rocked the building, turning the man into paste against the blast-proof doors.
She sat up slowly and called for cleanup. Biohazard and all.
Well, it seemed that folks knew Kyda was up and around and still deadly. Now they had to find the leak and track it, but they needed to get her somewhere safe. She had an idea, but it was stupid and dangerous. She would have to ask Kyda if she was willing to leave town if they could get another country to hide her.
When she checked on the monitor, Kyda was sitting up, and her eyes were wide. “Guys? What was that?”
Kritz grabbed Arcady and held her. Arcady spoke through the speaker and said, “Just a slight disagreement. We are going to have to move you.”
She fidgeted and asked, “Can you let Kynor know where you are sending me? He worries.”
Arcady paused. “Do you think we are going to destroy you?”
“It would be safest. Folks are in danger when I am around. Can I get another makeover?” She cocked her head, but her expression was serious.
Kritz flinched. “No, we are not giving you a makeover. I just got your face and body looking like it should.”
Kyda nodded and sat back in bed. “Okay. Let me know when you want to move me.”
Arcady looked at the despair on Kyda’s face. She disconnected the com and muttered out loud, “Damnit. Who would do something to a baby to turn it into that?”
Kritz shrugged. “The Uraddans have been trying to wipe out actives for years. She was their greatest tool, and Kynor was spawned at the same time she was.”
Arcady sighed. “I think he is going to go right into finding a new safe place for her. Aksalla is going to lose one helluva agent.”
“And an excellent barista.” Kritz nodded. “Seriously. Klauz uses her shop when he is out and about in the morning. Well, used.”
Arcady paused. “So, the building is secure. If we found her a secure place to live with appropriate security measures to enter, it would be fine for her to be there.”
“So, what kind of secure building are you talking about?”
Arcady smiled slowly. “I am going to talk to Zera. We have two empty labs, and Kyda could live there and work at the coffee kiosk.”
She kissed him on the cheek. “I am going to sit at my desk for a change with Kyda on my monitor. She is really subdued. I have a bad feeling about it.”
“Watching her is creepy, Arcady. Even by my standards.”
Arcady shrugged. “She’s been hunted since she was born. She’s exhausted. Sometimes you just don’t have anywhere to run, or you are tired of running. I think she did more than hit a window; she hit a wall.”
She walked back to her office and brought up the medical bed on her monitor. Kyda’s features had been refined, her body was elegant in proportions, and she had grown a few inches. Everything about her said that she was classy. Even her hair had gone from mousy to glossy, a lovely chestnut brown in thick waves below her shoulders. Kyda was beautiful, and her face was stunning. She had been cute and pretty before, so whatever a makeover was had been kind to her.
Arcady looked into what amakeoverwas in regard to permanent structure, and she fought her nausea. A pain healer would stand by, and a heavy hitter would break the bones in the face; the healer moved in, and the procedure moved on.
From the scans and the scarring, Kyda had the procedure done several times, and she covered her iridescent blue eyes with dark brown lenses. It had been effective until the medics pulled a blood sample. Whoever got possession of the blood had started the cascade of information that drew that assassin.
Arcady worked the rest of the afternoon, trying to make a safe place for Kyda.
* * * *
Kyda heard the shadow talking. She sat up. “Hello?”