“Incendiary explosive took out my right side. I was found by an old friend and had been healing in a tube in a med facility for a while.”

Nandy nodded and beckoned her to the wall scanner. “Step in here. And... may I draw some blood?”

“Sure. Add my blood to your collection.”

Nandy chuckled, and they went through the scans. “Oh, dear. That’s horrible. I thought Kritz’s nanites were better than that.”

“They don’t work on me. I am a tough repair.” She chuckled.

“I would like to develop a treatment plan for you.” Nandy leaned back on her counter.

Laksi took a seat on the med bed and said, “Now, what did you want to know about the others?”

“How did you know what they were?”

“They were all grown with me in Prothuda. We matured alongside other canister born. There were ten of us to start with. Eight females and two males. We were purchased from different sources, and four of us were from Uradda.” She smiled. “I looked into our origins, and as they were public access, I raided the information until I couldn’t find any more. After that, I used our systems to rifle through the intelligence of other nations to find more information on them. I was only missing Kyda and Kynor.” She smirked. “Now I know where they all are and that I have cute nieces.”

Nandy sighed. “I would have loved to have seen you all together.”

“I am sure it will happen frequently. Aluhara is determined that we get together as often as possible.”

“I am a prisoner here because your eggs were lost on my watch.”

“Oh. Well. Sorry about that. I am curious as to the male donors. Can you tell me anything about that? The Uraddan files were rather vague on the source, and they were the ones who got us all going.”

“Yes, I have been wondering that myself. None of you have Sethir male genetics. Well, the two of you I have been able to examine. So, what happened to the male that Kyda punished?”

“You know what he was caught for?”

“Not the details.”

Laksi blurted out the whole thing, sharing some of the rage that she felt. She felt the med bed warming up under her. She exhaled and cooled down. “Teddie is one of the three sisters that I was discussing.”

“And she’s pregnant via a rut?”


Nandy took notes. “She has silent heats?”

Laksi nodded. “We all do. Even Kyda. I am pretty sure that Ados is eager to track her particular cycle, and given how close she lets him get, that is going to happen pretty soon.”

Nandy grinned. “Great grandbabies.” She rubbed her hands together.

“No other grandchildren?”

“No. Not yet.” She sighed. “Ados has permission to bring me supplies. He asked to take my maintenance over a decade ago when he became an adult.”

Laksi smiled. “That reminds me. I need to ask Teddie what she wants for the baby and herself. I am thinking about registering her for prenatal massages.”

“How did that remind you?”

“Men providing a service to women.” Laksi chuckled.

Nandy nodded and paused. “So, Teddie wants the baby?”

“She attaches to things easily. She will love and nurture her little one, and her sisters will destroy anyone who threatens it. Its origins will be unimportant. Though I cannot say I would have felt the same.”

Nandy paused. “How will they do that? The sisters, I mean.”