Ados asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I need to pay my rent. I have been gone close to a month, and my landlord isn’t patient at the best of times.” She clenched her fists on her thighs.

“I will ask Kynor to take care of it. I am assuming that your landlord knows him?”

She blinked. “I try not to ask him for stuff.”

“Why not? He’s your sibling.” Ados was astonished.

“He’s our younger brother. I depended on him to get us out and many other times until we settled. We agreed to separate when we got to Aksalla so he could live his own life.”

Kynor was speaking with Riithan, and he had a serious expression.

Kyda looked at Laksi. “You don’t seem worried about Teddie.”

“Oh, that wouldn’t do any good. Teddie had lived a rough life before she activated. Once that happened, she was pretty well-defended.” Laksi sighed. “She doesn’t like help. She has a very live-or-die mentality.”

Kyda blinked. “So, she’s... fine?”

“As long as they don’t bring that person in front of her. She doesn’t forgive or forget. She can’t.” Laksi sighed. “Which is probably why the rutting idiot didn’t tell his supervisor what happened. He wanted to live.”

Ados leaned over. “Rut?”

Laksi nodded. “Yup. Yes, I know you are mindless during it, but a friend came to me andshowedme what happened while I was floating around. I nearly boiled the fucking water. Seeing the aftermath through the imprint of someone else’s mind is always sketchy but it brings a lot of emotion. I have had the time to calm down now, and I am sure she will take him out of the gene pool the moment she is healed from having the baby. ”

Ados scowled. “So, you know who did it?”


“Tell us. It is hard enough to find mates without one of our own causing other women in that area to fear us.”

“I know what he looked like, not his name. I wasn’t there.”

Ados nodded. “I will line them up.” He got up, spoke to Riithan, and they left.

Kyda looked at her sister. “I guess he will line them up.”

Laksi smiled. “I want this guy tarred, feathered, and vivisected, but I will settle for being shunned by his own people.” She grinned. “That will leave him out and alone when I destroy him.”

Kyda looked at her. “I will join you. I have a few new skills that I can unlock.”

Laksi chuckled. “You think Ados will let you?”

“I think he will give us a ride.”

They leaned their heads together and giggled.

* * * *

Aluhara watched her two youngest daughters, and she turned to Hedoreth. “What do you think they are talking about?”

“Murder. I think they are going to take care of that issue for Laksi’s friend.” He kissed the back of her hand. “I think they need a warrant for his life. I will get on that and fill in the name as soon as the king gives his authorization.”

Aluhara smiled as Okka came up and sat on her lap. “With all this new family, I want every part of it protected.”

“I will handle the paperwork, beloved. They will get all the protections that our people can manage.” He smiled. “And I just happen to know all about what we can offer.”

She looked at her husband and kissed him softly. “Thank you, Judge.”