“Oh. Right. So, gloves definitely on.”

Kynor could see his sister rolling her eyes. Kyda pushed back so she was floating, and she closed her eyes while tilting her head slightly. She was letting the nanites do their work.

“Call me if her progress stops. She might just need a bribe.” He leaned against the tube. “She’s stubborn. If she stalls, there is a reason, or she wants ice cream.”

She made a wanking gesture, and he laughed. Her colour was already changing, the extensive bruising was fading, and he held the image of her attacker in his head. He had a prisoner to visit.

Kynor smiled at the duty officer as he requested visitation with the guy from the coffee shop.

“Sure, Agent. Just a moment.”

Kynor nodded and walked to the visitor’s area, being directed to a seat across a table from an empty chair.

The active looked the worse for wear. Hollow eyes and burst capillaries under his skin were signs of push withdrawal.

The man looked at him, confused. “Excuse me. Are you here to interrogate me? My lawyer says I am supposed to shut it.”

Kynor nodded. “You want to remain in custody. It is in your best interest.”

“What? My lawyer says we can plead diminished capacity. Light sentence, no jail time.”

Kynor nodded again. “You really want to plead guilty and ask for maximum sentencing.”

The guy snorted. “I am not going to be intimidated by a peacekeeper.”

“I am not a peacekeeper. I am an agent, and the woman in intensive care is my little sister. So, when you are out, you are fair game. She’s already put a hit out on you. I would be worried if I were you.” Kynor nodded and got to his feet, walking out.

The criminal shouted, getting more and more agitated as Kynor walked out of the visiting area. He started to scream threats, and the guards convinced him to be quiet.

Kynor smiled. Showing no fear was the first move. Smashing him into a paste that no one could identify was the next move.

Kyda was in good hands, and he would check on her again before he was sent out again. He needed to kill that bastard. Now, he just had to put the hit out on him to complete the tale.

* * * *

A few days later, Arcady came into Kyda’s room with armloads of flowers. “Kritz hates having these here, but I thought you could use the change of scenery.”

Kyda flexed her fingers and typed, “Thanks.”

Arcady grinned. “So, your fingers work.”

Kyda nodded. She swallowed and whispered into the heavily sealed mask. “Yeah. Who from?”

She pointed toward the flowers. One was a lovely mix, and the other was an enormous and loud arrangement of huge blooms.

“Well, Zera sent the smaller arrangement. Your patron sent the larger one. There are flowers in here that I haven’t even seen before.” Arcady smiled. “I didn’t even know that you had a date scheduled.”

“He sends stuff to me the day before the dates.” She spoke slowly. “Can you please cancel my date for tomorrow?”

Arcady paused. “No one has notified him?”


“Then, why did he send the flowers to the lab?”

Kyda looked at her. “I don’t know.”

Arcady grinned. “I am just going to peek at who he is.” Arcady went to a terminal, and then she blinked. “Well, that would explain it.”