The toddler grinned at him. “Hopeful then.”

Ylara looked at Reynu. “She’s a seer?”

The other woman in the armoured suit nodded. “Oh, yes. She has a hard time seeing her bedtime though. Weird blindspot.”

Kyda grinned, and their presence eased the pressure in her head. “The next one is here.”

The next sibling walked in with a rich blue bodysuit and a sash around her hips. She simply walked through the door and walked right up to Kyda. “Well, hell. I didn’t expect that.”

Kyda nodded. “Pleased to meet you. I am Kyda, and this is our originator, Aluhara. She has been eager to meet you.”

Sidell came striding across the ground, forty feet tall and shrank to five foot four as she jumped into the stronghold. She was another one who was obviously on duty for her adopted country.

Riithan’s parents had entered the room, not used to being ignored, but the obvious connection between the women was hard to miss.

Kyda took a deep breath and said, “Last ones are arriving.”

She grinned as a family came through the door. Wife, husband, and daughter. The teen gasped and ran into the room while her parents came in cautiously. Kyda greeted her and introduced her to the others.

Ullada smiled. “Wow. This is... wow.”

Kyda nodded. “There is one more. She is nearly here.”

It took five minutes, but a woman came in, carried by someone wearing a defender uniform. He set her down and said, “I will be here when you need to go home.” He glanced over. “Oh, hey, Ados.”

“Syrn. I thought you were with Misker and Alejandro and their mate.”

Syrn chuckled. “I am, but Laksiana is a family friend. She needed a ride.”

Laksiana walked to Kyda. “Hello. You called?”

Kyda looked at the woman who looked to be very close to Kyda in age, but her eyes had seen her world burn, and she had survived it. “I am your sister Kyda. These other women are also your siblings except for the woman with the constant happy tears. She is where we came from.”


“Donor. We were her one chance to have a child, and we were stolen from her.”

Laksiana looked surprised. “Oh. Well, that explains why me and my sister didn’t match. She’s tall and blonde.”

“You aren’t upset about it?”

Laksiana smiled. “No, it is a relief actually. I guess I should introduce myself to Mom.”

“I think she would like that. Oh, and that is our brother, Kynor. He’s a little overwhelmed.”

“I will be gentle with him. Thanks for the lift, Syrn.”

“No problem, Laksi. Just let me know when you want to head home.”

The woman smiled and nodded. “Will do.”

The woman was in a standard dress and walked slowly to their parent. The crowd parted as she approached.

Laksi stood face to face with Aluhara, and the woman cupped her cheeks and then started bawling like an out-of-control child. Laksi held her and whispered in her ear.

Whatever she said made Aluhara smile. She stood straight and cupped Laksi’s face. She bumped her head to Laksi’s, and Kyda saw the pained wince. Laksi was injured in some way.

Syrn and Ados were chatting, and then Kyda saw something astonishing. Laksi walked to Hedoreth and took his hand. “Thanks for keeping her alive and happy when she felt hope taken for her. Now, would you prefer Uncle or Papa?”