“Was it good for you?”

He laughed. “I came back over and over, didn’t I?”

“I guess you did. I think you were just after the tarts.”

“They are very good tarts.” He pried one of her hands out of her death grip near her waist and pressed a kiss to her palm.

She shivered. “Why are you doing that?”

He laughed softly. “Because it makes you shiver.”

The door opened before she could tell him off, and she couldn’t see around him. He stood up and walked toward the newcomers. A masculine voice greeted him, but when the feminine one spoke nervously, Kyda got to her feet.

“Is she here?”

Kyda walked up behind Ados and leaned over until she could see around him. “If by she, you mean me, yes, I am.”

The woman with the iridescent blue eyes and blue-black hair gasped. What shocked Kyda was that the woman looked to be in her early twenties. The male with the blonde hair and golden eyes smiled slightly. “Well, look at you.”

Ados stepped aside and held her hand. “Lady Aluhara, this is Kyda Lyt. Kyda, this is your genetic donor, Aluhara of the Sethir-Nin.”

Kyda curtsied gracefully, glad she had focused on practicing all that sort of stuff. “I am pleased to meet you, ma’am.”

Aluhara pulled her up, and then Kyda was wrapped in a hug that she had no choice but to return. “Oh, my precious girl. Do you know of any others?”

“Sure. My brother, Kynor. He’s Ados’s work partner in Aksalla. They bust heads together. Well, my brother looks like an adult, but age-wise, he is your youngest. He’s sixteen.”

She gasped and leaned back without letting Kyda go. “Sixteen?”

Ados snorted. “His physical appearance is that of a male nearing thirty.”

“But he doesn’t age anymore. He’s fine now. Another few years and he can actually buy alcohol in public.” Kyda smiled. “Please, if you meet him, tell him I said that.”

Aluhara had tears in her glorious eyes. “A daughter. I don’t want to let you go.”

“You will have to eventually. Even with the best intentions, I can’t imagine using the ladies’ room like this.”

Her donor smiled. “In all my years of dreaming, I never imagined you.”

“I am a one-off. The researchers said that I was what they were working toward. Nandy’s research saw the potential in your genetics.”

Aluhara blinked. “You have a grandmother?”

Kyda frowned. “What?”

“Nandy means grandmother.”

“Oh.” She looked at Ados. “You didn’t think that was weird?”

He grinned. “No. I told her what you were to me, so she thought to lay in the right form of address immediately.”

“You... oh.” She coloured brightly.

Aluhara chuckled and stroked her cheek. “I should have introduced my mate. Kyda, this is Hedoreth. He has been my mate for the last forty years.”

Kyda looked at her. “Ma’am, how old are you?”

Aluhara grinned. “Ninety-six. Our researchers have determined that my cells don’t age. My relationship with time is different.”