She smirked. “Spell it out for me. I’m old.”

“I think about her when I am on duty, off duty, and probably sleeping. I like to see her smile and love to watch her laugh. Is that enough?”

“You can do all that without bodily fluids involved.”

“Fine. I want to take her as my mate and keep at her until you have great grandbabies.”

Nandy rubbed her hands together. “Excellent, but get royal authorization. You don’t want her targeted by the Sethir for stealing one of their best and brightest.”

Ados blinked. “Right. I don’t want that. Do you think she will accept me?”

“She blushes whenever you are mentioned but doesn’t get close to people. Oh, and you might want to follow tradition and warn her brother of your plans before things get too complicated.”

He chuckled. “I have already done that. He was agreeable when he learned I have ceased other escorts while I court Kyda.”

“Yes, about those escorts...”

He held up his hand. “No, Nandy, they are not up for discussion. They served a purpose and were not love interests. They also were my power class.”

“Why were you matched with Kyda?”

He shrugged. “I had had a bad week and asked if there was anyone who was a good conversationalist and liked to cuddle. They warned me that she was physically toxic. I signed a waiver, and we went for a picnic. She brought dessert, and I was hooked on those tarts in no time.”

Nandy scowled. “I hope she makes more.”

He nodded and looked to see the light on the upper floor turn off. “May I grab some bedding?”

“Don’t be stupid. Sleep in the guestroom on the main floor.” She laughed.

“You didn’t give it to her, so I wasn’t sure if I was welcome.”

“I wanted her in your room. Once I saw the worry on your face when you brought her here, I knew it wasn’t just a casual assist for a friend.”

They got up, and he folded up the blanket. “Something about her called to me, even when I didn’t know who she was.”

Nandy smiled softly. “Your grandfather was like that. Very sweet, charming, and intent when he made up his mind. I was a little surprised when he picked me over the court ladies or caught omegas, but he did, and because of that, you are here.”

They walked back to the house, and Ados listened as Nandy talked about her deceased husband. He never tired of hearing about his grandfather. He had only known him for his first ten years, and each time Adothen had left, he had admonished his grandson to take care of Nandy. Ados had tried, but the wily woman didn’t make things easy. He put the blanket away and entered the guestroom, getting ready for bed and staring up, seeing the heat signature of Kyda above him. This was not going to be a restful night, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Chapter Five

There was a cup of coffee next to her again, and Kyda pushed her hair out of her eyes and sat up. She steadied her hands and grabbed the mug. When she took the first sip, she froze. This was the way she took her coffee, and there wasn’t any reason for Nandy to know.

Ados must be an early riser. The light out the window was barely pink.

She finished her coffee and found a robe. She paused. The wardrobe had more clothing in it. Most of it was date clothing. She wrinkled her nose. Arcady had handed her wardrobe over. Kyda sighed. That meant she wasn’t going back. Running again would be a pain if she couldn’t rearrange her face.

She got dressed in jeans and a tee, sneakers, and against her skin was practical underwear. That was how she knew she was still in the companion rating. No one would ever see her naked, so underwear didn’t matter. Function over fashion. With that in mind, she pulled her hair into a braid and found a tie to keep it contained. She grabbed her mug, headed downstairs, and went in search of breakfast.

The main floor was quiet, and she moved around as silently as she could while drinking another cup of coffee from the pot. She made a small buffet and put part of it in the warmer and the rest in the fridge. Having nibbled her way through the prep, she wasn’t hungry.

She walked outside and went to the foundation and two walls that she had seen the night before but didn’t see Ados. Kyda shrugged, read the markings on the flooring, and got to work. One of the skills that she had gotten was manufacturing. She measured out items from a stack of lumber and tested her new durable skin by lifting, cutting, and nailing the wall edge in place. She grinned and knew she was going to give Kynor hell. This was easy with the extra strength. Yes, he had been ten at the time, but he had the strength of a fully grown heavy-hitting active. She used some of her increased speed and had the outer walls in place, complete with doorframe.

She grabbed the framed-in door and set it in place, levelling and nailing it. Kyda stepped back and looked at her handiwork. The door got blurry, and she swayed, sitting down heavily.

Kyda rubbed her head as her eyes refused to focus. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she was lightheaded.

With her mouth dry, she looked toward the house and rolled to her hands and knees. She started creeping toward the house, having a pretty good guess as to what she had done. The speed had been one attempt too far.