“It is touch and go. She’s fighting the nanites that are trying to repair her.” He sat down behind his desk. “It is a miracle that she didn’t bleed out, but her skin remained sealed. Anyway, there is a transport waiting to take you if you want to go see her.”

“Of course, I want to see her. Can she speak?”

“I am sure that you can speak to her.” The administrator smiled. “She’s alive, and no one knows how.”

Kynor nodded and got to his feet. “I want to see her. Did they catch the guy who did it?”

“Yes. The shop staff had called peacekeepers and agents with a silent alarm.”

Kynor nodded. “Of course, they did. He was on something?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“She wouldn’t have gotten them to set off the alarm if it was just a rowdy active. If they used the alarm, there was no other choice.”

Kynor left, and there was a transport that took him to the base of Z Corp. Someone was waiting to escort him, and the woman with white hair and purple eyes smiled. “You are Kynor? Excellent. Maybe you can make her accept the healing.”

“She’s fighting it?”

“She keeps spelling contamination. I don’t know what her issue is?”

He asked the petite woman, “You have taken blood samples?”


“That is the contagion. Her blood is toxic to actives. If you have vials of it floating around, you have loosed a secret weapon in your facility.”

“Shit.” The woman lifted her com and said, “Kritz, the pathogen you have seen in other experiments is Kyda’s blood. Lock it down, and go to high contagion protocol.”

Their elevator arrived. The moment they went through security, alarms sounded, and people efficiently went through bio-showers and left the building. Kynor and his escort continued past locks and stations on their way into the building. When they reached an area that still had a crew of suited-up staff, she nodded to him. “The doctor will be here in a moment. He needs a special bio-suit.”

He had met Dr. Kritz once, and the blue man with huge horns eventually came into the room.

“Kynor, do you need protective gear?”

“No. I know not to handle her blood.”

The medical genius blinked. “Right. We were trying to localize the pathogen.”

“Sheisthe pathogen. She’s going to be pissed that we have to move again.”

Kritz frowned as they walked. “What do you mean?”

“Her blood was designed to stop actives from being actives. There are bounties on her head across the globe, and just as many prices have been set to bring her in alive.”

“Ah. Shit.”

The doctor typed in a code, and a door opened. Kynor looked in, and there was a thick canister with his sister floating inside. Tubes covered her, and her limbs looked a little... mushy. She smiled weakly at him behind her mask.

He walked up to the tank and pressed his forehead against it.Hey, bunny face.

Hey, butthead.

It seems you were attacked.

Stupid junkie. One dropped broom, and here I am.

He got a serious tone to his thoughts.You are fighting the nanites.