“Where is she?” I asked, rushing toward her.

Bella’s eyes filled with tears, and she shook her head quickly. “They knocked me out when they came. I thought they were coming for me, and—”

Louis didn’t let her finish as he rushed her. He grabbed her shoulders and slammed her into the wall hard enough that I knew Frankie would kick his ass later. But for now, I didn’t care how we got the information. If Sierra was in danger, I needed to know about it. “Where the fuck is she, Bella!” he shouted in her face.

“They said something about a storage house when they thought I was knocked out,” she said. “I woke up and they were talking about it. Something on Simon Boulevard.” Sobs broke her words.

I turned toward the desk, grabbing the file of shit that Sierra had retrieved. I went through the addresses, throwing the useless papers to the ground until one caught my attention. A small house on Simon Boulevard. I fisted the paper and rushed from the room and toward the garage.

“Please don’t leave me here,” she begged, and I took only a moment to pause, looking over my shoulder. For someone who had just been unconscious, she looked healthy and whole. She didn’t seem to have a single hair out of place. “They’re after me, too.”

Louis pushed away from her. “I don’t give a fuck what happens to her,” he cemented, pointing at Bella. “I’m going to find Frankie and Tommy. Send me the address, and we’ll meet you there.”

“Don’t tell him about Bella,” I said as he left the room, leaving me alone with her. If Frankie knew that she’d been involved in something, he would come straight to her, and he wouldn’t have a cool enough head. No, he didn’t need to know.

I didn’t have time to think right now, so I took a deep breath and gestured for her to follow me. “You’re going to stay in the car, and you’re going to do exactly what I tell you to do. I’ll leave you on the street if anything you do slows me down.”

She nodded quickly, following closely as I stormed into the garage just in time to see Louis peeling out with his flashy Corvette. We’d agreed not to split up until the situation was handled, but that didn’t matter now. I would find Sierra and make sure she didn’t endure anything she had before. I’d keep her safe, and I didn’t care what I had to do to ensure that was the case.

“What can I do to help?” Bella asked as she settled in the passenger’s seat of my sleek black Mercedes. I didn’t use it often, but it would get me there faster than the other cars. A motorcycle would do little to protect us from bullets when we escaped from the safehouse, so I didn’t even look at it. I had no idea how I’d find her. If she was hurt…

I couldn’t allow myself to think about that right now. Shecouldn’tbe hurt.

“Sit there and shut the fuck up,” I told her, passing the paper to her. “Text Louis the address to the house, and give me directions.”

She nodded quickly, and I glanced over at her again. How did she look like she’d been freshly groomed after being confronted by the Luccheses? And why the hell did they leave her behind when she was the one they were after in the first place? Maybe Sierra took priority because she knew more about Virgil, but if Bella was unconscious, they could have taken both of them and lured all of us to that house. Something about this situation didn’t sit right with me, but I couldn’t put the pieces together.

“What are you going to do?” Bella asked. “You can’t walk inside and take out a whole house of people for her.”

“I’ll do anything to get her out,” I told Bella. She didn’t have any idea what things I’d do for Sierra. She sat silently, and I realized that she probablydidunderstand what I’d do for Sierra after everything Frankie had done for her. I’d spent years cleaning up his messes when people threatened or touched her. I may not have been as brutal or blood-hungry, but I’d doanythingto see her safe.

“I need to know more information,” I told her. “If you overheard that, you probably overheard more than you realized.”

“I—I can’t think of anything.”

“Think harder, Bella!” I shouted, slamming my palm into the wheel as I thought about the scar on Sierra’s forehead. Would I have to worship more scars on her body before all of this was over? I didn’t think I’d ever forgive myself if I saw another one because of me. “They could be torturing or killing her right now, and you can’t give me anything?”

“They wouldn’t do that!” she yelled back. “We both know what they do to pretty young women. It won’t be as bad for her as it will be for you if you get caught.”

I scoffed. “You think I give a fuck about myself when some other man could have his cock between my girl’s legs right now? Think.”

The curdling sensation in my gut told me something was wrong. So fucking wrong that I couldn’t settle on words. In this line of business, trusting my gut kept me alive, but I didn’t know what it was telling me. Something here didn’t make sense, and I was rushing to a place I didn’t recognize with a woman who couldn’t help me. I didn’t know what I’d find and had no idea why she was there. If I pulled into a house and got myself killed, Sierra would have nobody to come for her. My brothers would try, but they wouldn’t risk each other for her, and that could be the cost.

“I don’t know,” she said again.

Something is wrong. Turn around. Stop and think…The same question pierced my mind relentlessly. Why would they have left behind the one person they were meant to capture? Why…

I glanced over at Bella and found her typing away on her phone as mine sat with the GPS open and running. It said to turn right, but I bit my lip hard enough that I tasted blood. I would go through hell itself to save Sierra, but I couldn’t save her if I was dead, and something wasn’t adding up. “Bella, I need you to help me here,” I told her, and she locked her phone, tucking it back into her pocket leisurely.

“I told you—”

I turned left instead of right, and it cut off her words. “Something is going on,” I told her. “I can feel it, and I can’t run into that building blindly when it could get me and Sierra killed. I need you to tell me everything you heard those men say, verbatim.”

“They said they were bringing her there,” she argued, but something in her tone said otherwise. Was she lying to me? She couldn’t be. There would be no reason for her to fabricate a story like that when Sierra—one of her friends—was in danger. “You can’t wait. You said it yourself. They could be hurting her.” Why would shewantme to risk my life?

Bella exhaled a long sigh. I thought about all the angles and what I could be missing. Bella had heard the men say this address, so maybe they knew she was awake, and they were trying to lure us into a trap. Maybe—

Something clicked beside my ear, and cold metal pressed into my neck.