I grabbed at the button on his shorts and unclasped it dexterously, pulling them down as much as I could before he grabbed my hands. He held them before us, pressing my hands together before trapping both above my head. “Let me touch you, Carlo,” I said, recalling why he’d restrained my hands in the past. The brand on his chest. “Please.”

He met my eyes, contemplating for a moment before releasing them. He didn’t break contact with my lips as he pressed a hand beneath my panties and slid a finger into me, working me thoroughly with his hand. “Oh, God,” I cried out, arching into him. Carlo was everything to me, and with his fingers working between my thighs, I realized it without a shadow of a doubt. I pressed my palm into his chest, right where I knew I’d find the brand. He stiffened briefly before adding another finger into me and smirking down at my loud, undiluted reaction. “Carlo,” I cried out. “Your fingers are good, but it’s not what I want.”

“I don’t know,” he said, nipping at my neck and drawing a guttural moan. “It seems to be doing the trick pretty well.”

“Please,” I begged.

He obliged, grabbing both of my knees and splitting them as far as the vehicle would allow. He settled beneath them and slid into me with a slow intensity that burned me from the inside out. I tipped back my head and cried out. “That’s it, baby,” he praised. “What a good fucking girl.”

If it was even possible, I fell apart even harder. I shattered as he thrust into me. I fell apart beneath his touch, and all that remained was the feeling of him and I joining our bodies and souls into one. I gripped both of his wrists where he rested them on the seat beside my head, and ecstasy exploded behind my eyes as I came to a quick climax that sent me reeling. “Carlo, harder!” I cried out.

He sent a hard thrust into me, and I felt it in every crevice of my being. Over and over again, he pounded himself between my thighs and I came undone, captivated by the man I knew I wanted to stay in my life. He groaned and pressed a palm into the van’s roof, shuddering and coming undone. He breathed heavily, and my eyes rolled back into my head as he pulled himself out of me and spilled himself atop me, narrowly avoiding the cut.

He looked down at me, a wicked smile on his face as he eyed what he’d left on my lower belly. “Do you want kids?” he asked.

“This sounds like a conversation for another time,” I told him with a laugh.

He reached to the floorboard, grabbed my ruined shirt, and sopped up what he’d left on me. “I can’t wait to put my baby inside of you,” he admitted. He grabbed his shirt from where he’d flung it and pulled it over my head. There were a few splatters of red, but it was impeccably clean compared to mine.

“Another time,” I repeated. Though as he said the words, warmth filled me. I wasn’t sure I’d ever wanted children, but now…carrying his babies felt like a privilege and something I wanted more than I’d ever realized.

A sharp rap came at the back door, and Louis’s voice filled the car. “If you’re done fucking her, the car’s here.”

I winced at the words, but Carlo reassured me immediately. “You can’t see through the windows on the outside.” I lowered the shirt the rest of the way and eyed my filthy shorts. “The shirt will cover enough for the drive home.”

That reassurance was all I needed to convince myself against putting back on the blood-stained shorts, so I opened the door and strode out of the car, allowing Carlo to follow me. Once he stood, he buttoned his pants. All three of his brothers looked at us with vastly different expressions. Louis looked amused, Tommy appeared flustered, and Frankie…he looked sad.

We all moved toward the other vehicle and piled in, Tommy and Carlo at both of my sides as Frankie and Louis sat in the front. Tommy nudged me gently. “You good?” he asked. I only nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. “Good. Try to keep all your sex juices off the car. This is my personal one.”

I barked a laugh and elbowed him in the side. I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood, and it worked for just a moment. Then, Frankie spoke. “We still have one thing to take care of at home.” From his tone, I knew exactly what it was that needed to be taken care of—who it was—and my chest tightened at the thought.



Bella stood against the wall, holding her knees to her chest as we surrounded her. I couldn’t help but step in front of Sierra, blocking her from Bella’s sight. It didn’t matter that the woman before us was shackled in a way she couldn’t escape. All I saw was an enemy. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know,” she promised. “As long as you let me go.”

I glanced at Frankie, wondering what he’d say about that. Everyone in the room knew that letting her go wasn’t an option—not when we couldn’t even guess how much information she’d learned over the past few years. She’d likely handed over a lot, but if there was anything she hadn’t already said, we couldn’t give her a chance to do so.

“He’s your father,” Sierra said quietly behind me. It was less of a question and more of a factual statement.

“Virgil is my dad,” she said, nodding.

“You’ve been working for him since you met me?” Frankie asked.

“I had no choice. If I would’ve known all of you back then…”

“You wouldn’t have done it?” I asked. “You wouldn’t have come into our lives only to spit in our faces and betray us?”

Her eyes hardened in a way that told me she was slowly shutting down. I didn’t care. There were plenty of ways to gather information, regardless of whether she shut down. “What do you need to know?” she asked.

I saw it for the deflection it was. She would’ve done this even if she knew us when she had first come into the picture. It was a sick and twisted revelation, and I yearned to move forward and strike her. But for Frankie’s sake, I wouldn’t touch the bitch. Not even after what she did to Sierra. I knew that if the roles were reversed and Sierra was in the chains, Frankie would’ve tortured and killed her out of rage; but I could keep my cool, especially now that Sierra stood safely behind me, still wearing my T-shirt. It hung down to her knees, hiding the fact that she didn’t have on pants. I hated that she had to come downstairs with us, but she wouldn’t leave my side. I couldn’t let her.

“Were you Lucchese’s primary plan, or does he have others to take us out?”

“He has others, but none as foolproof as me,” she admitted with a cocky tone. She sincerely had no idea how precarious her situation was. “He’ll need time to find another way.”

“He’s out of time,” Louis scolded. “He declared war by bringing our families into this, and we’re going to make sure he suffers for it.”