They continued talking, but they didn’t discuss strategy. They didn’t explain when they’d take Bella and use her against Frankie, but I knew it was implied in the conversation. They were planning as if this entire sale would go forward, and that meant Bella was in unimaginable danger, and I wouldn’t allow that to happen. I would protect the brothers, and I’d protect Bella, too. I had to.



The timing couldn’t have been more impeccable.

Sierra had been gone when I’d awoken that morning, and the only thing that had kept me from rushing out of the house to look for her had been a small note that said “see you this evening” with a winky face. I was immediately overcome with thoughts of where she’d gone, and when she didn’t answer her phone, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and wait until noon before seeking her out.

It was three o’clock on the dot when I walked out of our home and found her running toward the front door so quickly that she collided hard with my chest. I wrapped my arms around her to steady her toppling bodyweight, and she froze, looking up into my eyes with a guilty expression that told me exactly where she’d been. “I know you didn’t go back to the house, Sierra,” I told her, shaking my head and tightening my grip on her arms. “Tell me you didn’t do something so stupid.” But as she shook her head quickly, eyes wide, I had my answer.

I didn’t hear a single thing she was saying as I lifted her and threw her over my shoulder swiftly. “Stop, Carlo. I have—”

“I don’t fucking care what you have. I told you not to go, and you did it anyways. You didn’t listen to me when I told you it was too dangerous, so I’m going to make damn sure you don’t do this shit again.” I slammed the door behind us as she wiggled and writhed in my arms, trying and failing to get free.

“Now is not the time. Let me go, Carlo!” she shouted, pounding on my back. It felt like being hit with sponges. Her hits didn’t faze me at all as I carried her up the stairs and toward my room. I wouldn’t be dealing with this. I wouldn’t let her get herself hurt or killed because she thought she was doing the right thing and protecting me. “If you don’t let me go right now, I’ll scream,” she threatened.

“Do it,” I dared, menace coating every ounce of my voice. “Fucking do it, and I’ll put a gag in your mouth, too.”

“Carlo, stop,” she begged.

I didn’t listen. I marched into my bedroom and slammed the door behind us, flinging her onto my bed. “Does your life mean so little to you?” I shouted at her as she sprang back to her feet. “Do you think I want to tie you up in my bedroom until all this shit is over? Do you think I’m telling you to be careful for shits and giggles? You’re dealing with dangerous people. People who would shoot you in the head and leave your body there to rot. These people aren’t to be messed with, and you’re playing their game regardless of my warnings.”

Her eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms in front of her, looking like an insolent child. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

“Actually, I can,” I snarled back at her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into my body. “We’ve been through this before, but I didn’t think you heard me. I’m not going to stand back and respect your wishes while you get yourself killed. I’ll tie you to my bed and leave you here if that’s what will keep you safe, and if you hate me because of that, I don’t give a fuck. You’re mine, and leaving is no longer an option for you.”

“You wouldn’t,” she spat back. She had no idea what I’d do. I gathered both of her wrists in one hand. She tried to maneuver them out of my grip, but I held tight enough that she didn’t stand a chance. With the bruise on one of her wrists, she didn’t pull hard as I grabbed my belt with my other hand and unclasped it. I snapped it off of myself and wound it around her wrists, pushing her back on my bed.

“Carlo,” she cried, falling back onto it as I pushed her into the headboard. I didn’t give it a second thought as I wound the belt around my headboard and released it, hovering above her with a dangerous expression.

“I told you there wasn’t a single thing I wouldn’t do to keep you safe, and that includes this,tesora,” I said, moving a hand down one of her restrained arms and to her cheek. I placed my face a centimeter from hers as she tugged on my belt unsuccessfully.

“They’re coming after you in the next day or two,” she snarled, scowling. “And they’re going to come after Bella first. You need to protect Bella.”

I didn’t take my eyes off of her as I slid my phone out of my pocket and typed out a message to Frankie to stay with Bella. I glanced away just long enough to read my words before hitting send. “Still not worth what you did,” I told her, my eyes dropping to where her chest rose and fell rapidly in her frustration.

“Saving all of you is worth it,” she said. “Tying me up for helping you is too far, Carlo.”

“I thought I could trust that you wouldn’t do something stupid, but clearly I was ignorant for believing that. Now I’m going to be certain you can’t do it again.”

My eyes stayed on her chest, and I allowed my hand to trail down it, cupping her substantial breasts in my hand. She gasped and tried to arch away from me, but I placed a palm on her stomach to hold her in place as I slid my other hand beneath her shirt and stroked a thumb over the pebbled nipple there. “You can’t do this,” she fought, but I heard the way her voice broke on the words. It wasn’t complete anger that riled her this time. “You can’t tie me up and—”

I moved the hand from her chest to her mouth in an instant, cutting off her words. I smirked down at where she scowled up at me, her face turning a slight shade of pink in anger. “I can do whatever the fuck I want,” I told her. Her mouth opened as if to fight me on this, but I didn’t move. “You broke my trust, and now you’re going to make up for it. You’re going to be a good girl and show me you know how to listen to orders, and you’re going to like it. Do you understand?”

She nodded viciously, and I moved my hand. I smiled at the way she continued squirming beneath me. “You have to tell Frankie,” she whispered, and I shot a look to her.

“The only name I will hear from your lips right now is mine,tesora.”


I pulled my phone out and showed her the message I’d sent to Frankie. He’d replied tersely, and she exhaled a long breath and nodded. I drifted down her body, hovering over her as her breathing hitched. I saw as she tried to tug on the confines around her wrists to no avail, but I ignored it as I moved all the way down her body and grabbed the cargo pants that hung loosely at her hips. I popped the button and tugged them down. She lifted her hips to help, and I smirked at the gesture.

“You’re not going to leave me tied here, are you?” she asked as I hooked a finger around her panties and trailed a finger down her center. She bucked into my hand, but I didn’t pause long enough to give her more than a taste of pleasure.

“That depends on you,” I told her.

“All I have to do is let you fuck me to convince you to let me go?” she asked, and I chuckled, shaking my head.