He spread my legs with one of those gloriously thick thighs and brushed the sensitive opening between my legs, nearly sending me sprawling. He pressed a hand into my back and pushed me forward. I arched my back as the sound of plastic tearing came from behind me. In one long sweep, he slipped a condom over his length and then drove it deeply into me. “Oh, God,” I shouted.

“Say my name,” he demanded, and I cried out as he thrust again, forcing me into the window at my front. “Say it, Sierra.”

“Carlo, oh my God,” I cried as I felt myself shatter and reform beneath the weight of his cock. He destroyed every ounce of me as I looked at the unknowing people below. Any of them could look up and see us, but none were the wiser as I came hard. I shared the moment only with Carlo, and as he roared his release, I knew it would be like this for a long, long time.



The days we had meetings seemed to be the sole day of the week when my calm demeanor balanced on an edge thinner than my sharpest knife. The men Frankie had on his payroll weren’t bright by any means, and what they lacked in wit, they made up for in confrontational bullshit. Every day was another day of breaking up fights from men who should’ve been working on the same team.

The meeting with the lieutenants—the four men who ran most of our businesses and trades—was typically the easiest to get through, but after the shit every other meeting had dished out today, I wondered how much longer I’d make it.

I was the calm and collected one, and I had to remain that way for one day a week. I knew that if Frankie were here, he would’ve shot and killed at least six men by now; and we had to be selective about who we killed now, especially when numbers meant everything in this war against the Luccheses. We needed everyone on board, because if they managed to bring together more families, we’d be struggling to keep our foothold.

I sat across the table from the four lieutenants who spoke as if they were the best of friends, and the conversation quickly took a turn I’d been hoping to avoid. “I heard about the girl you’re keeping under wraps,” Santo said, licking his lips and rubbing his hands together. “You’re holding out on us, Carlo.”

It wasn’t that I was “holding out” on them. Our relationship had been kept tightly under wraps, but somehow they’d found the information. The lieutenants tended to stick their noses in places they didn’t belong, so it came as no surprise, but I’d been hoping to keep the relationship hidden from even them.

“We’re keeping it on the down-low,” I told him, smirking. “I’d appreciate it if you kept it that way too.”

“We had a meeting with Frankie a couple of weeks back,” Orion said. “He mentioned your new girl in passing, and we wanted to get a look at the chick who scored one of you brothers. It was surprising when we finally saw her.”

“I can’t believe an ugly fuck like me pulled someone like her,” I told them, leaning forward. “Now back to business. We have twelve total shipments this month for you to handle, Orion. Harlow, we have enhanced security details needed at the casino, and you’re in charge of those men. Santo, I need you to look into the casino’s revenues and find the big winners this month. Look into them. Make sure everything was clean, and if it wasn’t you know what to do.”

They all nodded. “And me, boss?” Rossi asked.

“You oversee all the shit. We have a lot going on and we can’t afford to handle mob drama, so if anyone has questions, they go through you.” Rossi nodded, taking notes in his pad of the long list of projects he’d need to oversee. I didn’t doubt he’d have plenty to do in the coming weeks, especially with these fuckers on the payroll. But they did their jobs well enough that we hadn’t ever considered stripping them of their positions.

“Now, can we talk about what’s on all our minds?” Orion asked, smiling at me conspiratorially.

“You want to talk about whoyou’refucking right now?” I asked.

“How do you get past her face?” Orion asked, and I stiffened. It was the one thing that had Sierra uncomfortable showing herself to even me. I couldn’t think of a time when cool rage had overtaken me as quickly as it did in that moment.

“Her face?” I asked, my voice the first indication that he needed to shut the fuck up. Nobody would insult her. I’d told her that if anybody did, I’d end their life, and she’d thought I was bluffing.

“You know, man,” he said, backtracking with an uncertain smile. “She has that scar. I saw it. It’s pretty gruesome. How can you overlook that thing?” The other three men at the table fell silent, noticing the perceivable shift in the room. Frankie was usually the one to lose his temper. Ineverlet it get that far, but I didn’t think as I withdrew my gun, pointed it at Orion, and fired. I rested it on the table in front of me and met the eyes of the other three men as Orion’s body fell to the floor, toppling out of his seat as all the life left him.

“Do any of you have anything else to say about my girl?” I asked, meeting each of their eyes. Nobody said a word. Part of me hoped that one of the men would say something and prove they’d been thinking the same thing. I’d root out those thoughts so fucking fast, and then there’d be nobody left to insult Sierra. I’d never looked at someone more stunning, and I couldn’t imagine anyone thinking something like that about her. I wouldn’t let them.

“Good,” I said when nobody spoke up. “One of you can take over for him until I find a replacement. Clean up this fucking mess.” I stormed out of the room, my palms sweaty as I tucked the gun back into my holster, not daring to look back. If one of them gave me a look I didn’t appreciate, I knew I’d make an example of them, too. We couldn’t stand to lose our men, but here I was, killing them for a small insult. And I’d do it again. I’d killanyonewho made her feel less than extraordinary, and I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again.

* * *

I walkedinto our house thirty minutes later, the same frustration still lighting my entire demeanor. No matter how much I considered my actions, I couldn’t bring myself to feel remorse for them, and I knew that wouldn’t change.

I strode into the office and found Frankie in his usual spot, the rest of the room clear of my brothers. “We need to find a replacement for Orion. I killed him.”

To my surprise, Frankie didn’t look the least bit shocked. “Did he deserve it?”

“I guess that depends on who you ask,” I told him, sitting in the seat across from his desk.

He continued scanning whatever was on his computer, hardly giving me more than a fraction of his attention. “I’m asking you.”

“I wouldn’t have killed him if he didn’t deserve it,” I admitted.

“Then find a replacement for him,” Frankie said. “And while you’re at it, tell me what one of my lieutenants had to do to break your cool.”