“That’s one of the most interesting theories I’ve ever heard,” Louis said dully once Bella finished speaking. “It would be more interesting if I didn’t just pull one of your hairs out of my mouth.”

Bella rolled her eyes. “Sorry,” she said unapologetically.

“You could make up for it by leaving,” he suggested.

Frankie shot our brother a glare. “Louis,” he scolded.

“Bro, you don’t have to be an ass to her all the time. She’s just chilling,” Tommy said at the same time.

“‘Chilling’ or otherwise, she isn’t supposed to be here.”

I had a feeling I wouldn’t be catching a break for the rest of the evening. Maybe I’d be best off going to my own room and watching a movie alone.

The front door flung open, and I gaped as Sierra strode inside, dropping her purse by the door as if she lived with the rest of us. The gesture had my chest tightening, and I forced myself to exhale deeply. “What are you doing here?” I asked, my tone harsher than intended.

“Tommy invited me for pizza and a movie,” she said, looking around the room where we all sat tensely. “But I can go…”

“God, no,” Tommy said, patting the seat beside him. I scowled at my younger brother and wondered if he was intentionally trying to put moves on Sierra. I didn’t care that he’d been shot a month before. I would beat his ass if he tried anything with her. “I thought you’d make this night more bearable.”

“Bearable?” she asked, hesitating just inside the doorway as she met my eyes and veered her gaze away quickly. She looked at Bella, and a familiar smile worked across her face. “It’s nice seeing you again.”

“You too,” Bella said enthusiastically.

“Again?” Louis repeated. “Since when do you two know each other.”

Sierra raised a brow at Louis’s hostile tone. “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” Sierra retorted. “Especially when you’re talking to me like that.”

Tommy’s smile grew, and a laugh belted from his chest. “See? Already more bearable.”

Louis’s lips tightened, clearly shocked by Sierra’s outburst. “I didn’t know you two were familiar, either,” Frankie said, looking between his wife and Sierra.

Bella shrugged. “We’ve seen each other around, and we’re friendly. Nothing more than that,” she said, sinking back onto Frankie and distracting him from the topic at hand.

“I had high hopes that you wouldn’t be another Bella,” Louis said, cringing slightly.

I saw that Sierra planned on saying something, but I replied first. “Frankie lets you get away with this shit, but if you keep bashing on Sierra, you and I will have a problem. Am I understood?”

I considered getting up and punching him again, but the bruise on his face was still an ugly green from the last time. I would have fought him for his words if he were anyone other than my brother, but Louis wasn’t just anyone. I knew he was being rude in a twisted way to protect us from possible deceit and treachery. His motivations were clear to all of us, which was why we never fought him about it.

“Are you going to stay for movie night?” Bella asked, breaking the tension with her excitement. “It’s going to be a blast.”

“Ablast,” Louis repeated with mock excitement.

Sierra gave Tommy a sympathetic look, and we replied to Bella simultaneously. “She is,” I replied at the same time as she said, “I don’t think so.”

The room fell quiet, and Sierra shot a glare at me. “I have other plans. I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I’d prefer not to stay in places where I can’t speak for myself.”

As Sierra turned to leave, I realized immediately that she was talking about me. Not Louis being an ass. Not Bella being persistent or Tommy not warning her about who would be involved in the movie night tonight. She was pissed atme.

I wanted to laugh at the absurdity as I stood and followed her from the front door. “Excuse me,” I shouted, stopping her in her tracks. “What the fuck was that about?”

“I can defend myself,” she said, not bothering to turn back to me. “I don’t need you speaking for me.”

“You know what,” I said, done dealing with the bullshit. I approached her quick enough that she only took one step back before I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my chest. “Be pissed at me all you want, but I’m here to keep you safe now. Whether it be from my brother or from the Luccheses, my job is to keep you alive and happy while you do this for us. I’m doing my best to make sure that continues happening. So stop fighting me and getting pissed for stupid shit, and get over whatever it is you’re mad about.”

“You don’t even know what I’m mad about,” she said.

“You’re right, I don’t. So either tell me or let it go. Because this shit is ridiculous. If you can’t tell me why you’re mad, you shouldn’t even be mad.”