I let Athena off her leash, and she bolts straight for Spencer’s chair and gets comfortable. Glancing around, I don’t see Spencer. I check the time. The man runs like clockwork. I know exactly where he is. I could time my period by the way he follows a routine. He is in the shower. He will be in there for forty-six minutes, exactly. Not sure why, but that’s how long it takes him to emerge from the bathroom at night.

I’m hungry, but if I wait, he will be able to escape me. In the shower, there is nowhere to run or hide. If we are going to talk, it is my one opportunity to catch him. Without knocking, I open his bathroom door, and barge right in.

“What the fuck, Luna?” He squeals when he sees me. “Get out!” He desperately tries to cover up his naked body.

“I have already seen you naked. You can stop that,” I say. “And I am not getting out. We need to settle some shit. I just lied to your sister that I am so busy working I can’t see her.” I don’t like lying. “We both know she will take one look at me and know something is up. What the hell do I tell her?” Spencer is still trying to cover his ass and is facing the wall. It is a very nice ass to look at—I can’t look away.

“A lie, you tell her a lie,” he says. “We are not telling Audrey about any of this.”

“I cannot lie to your sister, Spencer, and I am not avoiding her forever either. She knows something is up.” He looks over his shoulder and catches me staring at his ass.

“Can we do this later?” he asks. “When I am not naked in the shower.” I am not allowing him to worm out of this conversation. No, we have avoided it long enough.

“No, we are not avoiding each other or this conversation anymore. Also, I am your wife. I can see you naked if I want to.” I throw in there a reminder that we’re legally married. “I am serious, Spencer. We have got to figure out what we are doing.”

“Luna, I have no idea what we are doing.” He spins around, cupping his manhood, trying to hide it. “I was having a shower. That is what I was doing.” If he wasn’t in the shower, I’d smack him.

“Spencer, we are married.” I start with the obvious part. “And whenever we are in a room together, we want to get naked. Don’t even try telling me you don’t think the same thing. I feel the tension. It’s hard to ignore.” He blushes crimson red and can’t look me in the eye now. “So, we are either getting a divorce, or we are going to end up getting naked.”

“We could just do both.” He smirks like that’s funny. God he is so infuriating, but I can’t get mad because he’s naked. I can see everything now. He is no longer covered up. I forget to be annoyed because I can see histhingyright there, all standing up in my face. “I’m already naked, so if you take your clothes off, we can talk about divorce while naked.” I honestly can’t with this man. One minute he is like the grinch and the next, he’s all flirtatious and sexy and fucking naked!

“Spencer, I am being serious.” I close my eyes because all I can think about is putting that thing in my mouth and listening to him moan.

“I am always serious, Luna,” he says, and that flips a switch.

“Except when you married me…you were not serious then? But you seriously want me to get naked with you?” He looks at me, and I cannot believe I am thinking about it.

“Yes, get naked with me,” he says. “You came in here, you said yourself that when we get close to each other, there’s chemistry.” I should get out of this bathroom right now, walk away. Because he is being a dick about this. Dick. I can’t stop looking at his dick—he knows it too.

“Ugh.” I groan, closing my eyes again, trying to think of a reason not to take my clothes off and get in the shower with him. I know he doesn’t want to be married to me, that he is definitely just after sex. That makes me angry, but I still want the sex too. I never thought about having a husband, so I don’t know about that part—I’m not sure I care. Maybe we can just be spouses with benefits? I can see a big benefit right now. Right there between his legs. My thought train has completely derailed. It’s gone off a cliff and crashed into a sea.

I can’t even remember what I wanted to say to him, why I came in here at all. The brains have been sucked out of my head and replaced with filthy thoughts of sucking his dick. Fuck this shit. I pull my dress overhead and toss it on the floor beside me, kick off my chucks and shimmy out of my undies. He wants to play naked. I will play. “Naked enough?” I ask when I look up and catch him staring at my body, not my face.

Not giving him time to say anything, I walk into his enormous rain shower and stand where the warm water cascades over us both now. “Luna,” Spencer says when he can tear his eyes off my naked body.

“What? You said I should get naked with you,” I say, stepping closer to him, so I am under the full spray of the water. “Now I am.” I wrap my hand around his hard cock, and he gasps loudly. He might have got me to strip off my clothing, but I was the one that started this, and I am going to do this my way.

“What are you doing?” he asks, slightly panicking when I drop to my knees. The hard tiled floor is cool, and I look up at him, water splashing me in the face.

“I am going to suck your cock until you can’t even think about the word divorce, then I am going to suck some more and make you come,” I say, jerking my hand up and down his shaft, his mouth falls open and he tips his head back up to the spray of water. I lick from the bottom, right to the tip of his rock-hard penis. I watch his hands ball into fists as he tries to keep his composure. When I suck it hard into my mouth, he moans loudly and mutters, “Fuck, Luna,” in this gravelly voice, like I am going to kill him with my mouth around his dick. With one hand wrapped tightly around the shaft, my mouth glides up and down in a rhythmic movement.

He grunts and utters curse words. He is getting harder, and his composure is falling. He grabs my head, his fingers in the mess of wet curls and holds me there, his dick deep in my throat. I blink, needing to breathe. He thrusts himself forward into my mouth, making sure he is as deep as he can go before sliding out and doing it again.

Spencer loses his mind, and any control he had. Grabbing my face, he fucks my mouth the way he did my body—hard. It turns me on to hear how sexy he sounds, the desperate short breaths, the grinding in his voice when he says filthy things like “Open up and take it all, Luna.”

My hands grab his ass and hold on so I can take it all—he doesn’t stop. My pussy is dripping wet. This primal lust between us makes me horny as all hell. “Luna,” he growls, gripping my hair tighter. “I am going to come in that filthy little mouth of yours.” If I could smile, I would, but my mouth is full, of him.

He pushes himself into me, holding my hair so I can’t pull away from him. His cock jerks once and he moans, a guttural, primal sound as he shoots his hot come down my throat. I have no choice but to swallow as he keeps going until he’s got nothing left. “Fuck, Luna.” He sighs when he lets me go. I lift my face to the water and wipe the corner of my mouth before I stand up and look him in the eyes.

“Tell me again, it was a mistake.” I challenge as he wraps his big muscular arms around me, pulling our naked bodies together. Spencer says nothing. He just holds me and then washes my hair and body with a tenderness I never felt before. I want him to say it wasn’t a mistake, but I know he is a stubborn, fucking ass.

When he’s done, he gets out of the shower and wraps a towel around himself, and says, “I think you should stay naked, in my bed tonight.” He winks at me and leaves me alone in his bathroom to think about that offer. It shouldn’t be hard to say no, he is still Spencer, and he is still a grumpy fucking dick.

Maybe I can change his mind. We can be something—even if it is something with benefits. The benefits might be fun, and I don’t have any clean clothes in here to put on. Spencer’s bed isn’t the worst place I could spend my night. Alone would be worse, alone thinking about being with him. That’s where I have been the past few nights—and I hated it. I wanted to come in here, kiss him and seduce him. Now I have and my feet are getting cold, too late, because we’re already married.

I dry myself with his fluffy towel and wrap it around myself. I try to tame my hair into some kind of style before I walk out into the bedroom. Spencer is pulling back the bedcover when he looks up and sees me. The towel he had wrapped around him is gone. He still does not have any clothes on—so, so, naked. The man is fucking hot. How is he even interested in me? He could have a Stella if he wanted.

I am suddenly insecure, and the need to hide myself is overwhelming. I am self-conscious, overthinking why he would be with me, and my mind is spinning in circles. Of course, he wants a divorce—I am Luna, and look at him!