My mother enters the room, interrupting my thoughts and sits down next to me. She strokes my hair before pushing it behind my ears.

"Riley, are you okay?" My mom asks with a look of concern. "It's been three weeks and you haven't left the house. Maybe you should talk to Harrison."

"Why? He got what he wanted."

"He has called you every day. Maybe he doesn't have what he wants. I saw you two together. I saw how he looked at you.”

I just shake my head."You don't know him like I do," I say simply. "And yeah, maybe we look good together, but it won't last. We both want different things in life. He never wanted a family. He wanted to look like a family man to get a client and maybe the company. Now he just wants the baby. He doesn't want me."

My mom takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.

"Maybe he does," she says softly. "Maybe not in the way you think, but maybe he does. Riley, we all need love. Sometimes, we don't realize we want something until we have it then lose it. And when you find someone who makes your heart beat faster, you can't let go. I have seen it happen before. It doesn't mean it'll be forever, but if you really care for this man, take the chance and see where it goes."

"Mom..." I start but she puts her finger on my lips.

"I am not saying it will work out or even that I agree with his actions, but sometimes you need to trust your gut. If you feel strongly about him, go ahead and give it a try."

She kisses my cheek and leaves me standing there.

I sigh and head back up to my room.

This is such bullshit. Why did I get myself into this mess?

I lay down in bed thinking of everything my mother said. Then I remember the one thing I had forgotten. The reason why I was so sure he wouldn't want me after the baby came.

He is a fucking asshole who wants to take my baby!

I roll over and pull the covers over my head. I can't believe I have been played by him.

What the hell am I going to do now? I stare at the ceiling, thinking about what may happen after the baby arrives. Fear of losing my son takes hold of me and tears fall from my eyes. Curled up in bed, I cry until I fall asleep.

The following morning, I wake up earlier than normal. I sit on the edge of the bed staring at my phone. I want to text him, but what would I say? I am sorry? No, I shouldn't be the one to apologize. So, I decide to wait until later. My mom is still sleeping, and I don't want to disturb her. I put on my robe and head downstairs. A cup of coffee will help to wake me up. I make it as strong as possible and settle onto the couch with my book. After a while, I hear voices coming from the kitchen. I stop reading and listen closely.

"Good morning, sunshine," my mom says. "Didn't expect to see you up so early."

"Not much sleep," I reply.

"Well, come in and eat some breakfast with us. Your grandma was just asking about you."

"Okay, thanks," I say and follow them into the kitchen.

My grandma is sitting at the table drinking her coffee. Her hair is pulled back in a bun, and she is wearing an oversized shirt and sweatpants. She looks so small compared to my mom. I take a seat next to my grandmother and place my coffee cup beside hers.

"So, what are we having?" I ask.

"Nothing fancy," Mom replies. "A light breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast and fresh fruit."

We all dig in and chat about nothing in particular. I ask my grandma questions about growing up and she shares stories of when she was young. I smile when she starts telling me about her first crush.

After I finish eating, I excuse myself and head upstairs. My phone begins to ring as soon as I walk into the room. It's the fourth time Harrison has called this morning, but I don't answer. I don't know what to say to him. I lay on my bed and try to picture raising my son in my grandparents' house. He will always have plenty of love, and I won't have to worry about them trying to take him from me.

My heart aches thinking about how foolish I have been to believe everything Harrison said. He lied when I asked him about the deal with Shawn. It was the only reason he wanted to have a relationship with me. It was all just for show and when he doesn't need me anymore, he wants to take my son from me.

The phone lights up and I reach for it, expecting to see Harrison's number but instead I see a video call from Gabby.

"Hello," I answer, relieved to have someone to talk to.

"Hey!" She exclaims, looking better than she did when I saw her last. "How are you doing? I have been worried about you."