"Mom, I can't afford a lawyer. I wouldn't even know which lawyer might win against their high-priced lawyer."
"Riley, stop worrying about that." Mom says. "I will pay for your lawyer."
"Mom, I don't want you to do that."
"Riley, we have to do something. We can't just let him take your son. Did he say why? It doesn't make sense."
"Not really."
"What do you mean? What did he say exactly?"
"I didn't actually talk to him," I say, sitting down at the table.
"I am confused," my mom says, sitting down next to me. "What exactly happened?"
I explain what I overheard and why I made the decision to leave. When I'm done, my mom looks over at my grandmother then back at me. It’s obvious that she has something to say, and of course, as always, she is more than happy to share her opinion.
"You didn't say anything at all?" My mother asks. "Don't you think you should hear what he has to say?"
"I think I heard plenty, mom. What more can he say? He has already lied to me. How can I believe anything he says now?"
Disbelief and sadness wash over me in a big tidal wave. It’s hard to fight it.
"Well, you know you can always stay here," grandma says. "This is your home. You are always welcome."
"Thank you, grandma," I say, standing up to give her a hug.
"Sweetheart, why don't you go lay down? You must be tired," my mom suggests.
"I am. I'm going to go to my room." I don’t want to argue with this one. I feel like the whole world is against me, and it is difficult to handle.
In my room, I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. It's hard to believe this is really happening. I rub my belly, wishing I knew how to keep Anthony safe. This isn't how he is supposed to enter the world. I’m not supposed to be sad and stressed. I’m supposed to be the happiest right now.
Tears sting my eyes as I think of all the plans Harrison and I made. Was any of it real? How did I end up back in my lavender room, surrounded by things from a different life?
I stand up and walk to the window. I look outside at the beautiful green trees. There is a bright red bird perched in one of the branches. I watch it as it flies from branch to branch, enjoying its freedom.
"Riley?" A familiar voice says from the doorway.
I turn around and see my grandfather standing there. His eyes are filled with sadness, and he looks lost.
"Grandpa?" I ask.
"Your grandmother told me what is going on. You should stay here until things settle down. I don't know what to say, Riley. You shouldn't have to go through this alone." He walks over to sit down in the chair by the desk.
"Thank you, grandpa. I wish I knew what to do," I admit.
"Let me think on it while you rest, ok?"
As he leaves my bedroom, I can hear him talking to my grandmother. His deep voice echoes in the hallway.
"I agree. We have to protect our granddaughter and her baby. We can't let anything happen to them."
I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, but my mind is going a hundred miles a minute. I lay in my bed for what seems like hours, until I finally hear footsteps coming down the hall. I open my eyes to see my grandma and grandpa both standing in the doorway.
"Riley?" Grandma says. "Are you hungry? Your mom made spaghetti and salad for dinner."
I nod and follow them to the kitchen, where my mom is waiting.