Her words are like a dagger aimed straight at my heart. I cover my belly with arms, as if to protect my sweet child from ripped away from me. My heart is racing, and my head is spinning. Why didn't I see this coming? How could I have been so blind?

Quietly, I walk away from the door, so I don't alert them to my presence. I have to get out of here. I have to keep my baby safe.

My hands are shaking when I grab my keys, but I do my best not to fall apart. I grab my purse and walk straight to my car without saying a word.

The drive to Bronxville is spent replaying the conversation I just heard. Harrison lied to me. He said his deal had nothing to do with us, but it had everything to do with it. I am a fucking moron and I fell for it like an idiot. I let him use me, manipulate me into thinking that he wants what I want when he doesn’t want what I want. He wants to take my baby from me. I look down at my belly, hoping I don't lose my son as soon as I give birth. Harrison and I were supposed to be together forever, but this is how things are going to go from now on. I can feel the anger and hurt building in my chest. It's making it hard to breathe. I have to calm down, for Anthony’s sake.

When I pull into the driveway of my grandparents’ house, I try to calm myself but it's no use. This has all been my fault. Harrison was right in front of me the entire time. If I wasn't such an idiot, then none of this would have ever happened. I thought we were going to make it, we were finally happy, but obviously he wanted more than that. Harrison had a plan for our future, but I didn't see it coming. He is just some selfish bastard, who always thinks he is better than everyone else.

I guess I always knew this about him, even before I met him. I used to think he liked me too, but I should've known better. Harrison is just another guy who always gets what he wants, no matter what. His family is rich and powerful and they're not even human. I was stupid to think any different. Maybe if I hadn't gotten pregnant, this never would've happened. I could've kept him at arm's length, I know how he can get, but still... I love him. I really do. I know I can't expect someone like Harrison to feel the same way, but I thought I made it obvious what I felt for him. I thought I gave him all the signals. It felt like he cared for me, and we seemed compatible but apparently we couldn't even be close enough. And it feels like I'm not good enough, but I know I can’t let myself think that.

I will be enough to Anthony and that is all that matters. I also know that I will fight to keep my baby, no matter what.

I walk up the stairs to the living room and plop down on one of the two recliners my grandma insisted she keep for visitors.

"Riley?" My grandma says from behind me. "I didn't know you were coming for a visit."

I stand up to hug my grandma, who at 4'11 is 6 inches shorter than me, so I have to bend over. Her long gray hair is in a braid, which it always is, and her smile is instantly comforting. Her embrace immediately manages to make me feel better.

"Is everything okay, Riley?" She asks with a look of concern.

"No, Grandma," I say looking at the floor. "Everything isn't okay."

"Oh, come on, honey, don't cry. What happened?"

"Nothing much." I try to put on a brave face. "Harrison wants to take my baby from me."

"What?!" Grandma looks shocked. "Why would he want to do that, Riley?"

"It doesn't matter why. They're taking my baby away." I turn away and start crying again. "They have money. They can do whatever they want."

The thought crushes down onto me like an avalanche, and I start panting, breathing heavily.

"Come inside. Let's go talk to your mother," she says, guiding me to the door.

I follow my grandmother into the kitchen where mom is making coffee.

"Mom, I need to tell you something," I say, looking at the floor.

"Something bad?" She asks sympathetically.

I shake my head. "Not exactly, it's just..."

"What is it, Riley? You’re scaring me."

I’d best just peel it off quickly, like a bandaid.

"Harrison wants to take my baby from me."

Her eyes are wide with shock and disbelief. "I am so sorry, baby. I know how hard this must be for you."

"I don't know what to do. Their lawyer can take me to court. I don't know if I can fight. I mean, I have no money and..."

"Don't worry, I'll call the lawyer. We'll find a way to stop them from taking your baby, Riley," Mom says reassuringly.

"Mom, I don't want them to have him."

"We'll figure this out, baby. Don't stress yourself out. I'll call the lawyer right now."