"I found them!" She says cheerfully.

"Great," I reply, looking up from the directions. "We have to connect those with C and D. Those are the top and bottom of the shelf."

"C and D..." She says, looking down at the pieces then grabbing two of them. "Got them."

"Okay. Bring them here," I say, grabbing the screwdriver. "Let's see how this goes."

Penny holds the pieces together so I can add the screws. When they're all in place, she sets the shelves back into place and pushes on it a few times to make sure it stays there.

"What do you think?" She asks me when we’re done.

"Looks good," I tell her. "Now let's move onto the next one."

After finishing the other bookshelf, we start moving boxes out of the room. Penny doesn't even ask where I am taking them, but instead just helps as best she can. We reach the last box in the bedroom, and I stop to take a look around. It looks like things will fit nicely once everything is unpacked. Not much left for us to do now.

"You want some help carrying that in?" Penny asks.

"Sure," I say, handing her the box. "Thanks."

She takes it from my hands and carries it over to the doorway, sets it on the floor, then turns towards me.

"The nursery looks wonderful, Riley. You did an amazing job."

"Thank you, Penny. You helped out a lot. I can't wait for Anthony to be here to see it."

"He will love it," she smiles.

She then excuses herself to help Gloria in the kitchen while I fold the small mountain of baby clothes next to me.

The room smells pleasantly sweet like cinnamon and cotton candy. I pick up a white buttoned shirt and fold it before setting it on the pile of clean diapers and socks. Next to that, I pull out another outfit with long pants attached and fold that in half. A blue blanket and a purple one follow close behind.

We received so many clothes at my baby shower. I am not sure Anthony will wear them all, but Gabby says that babies need to be changed a lot.

I look at the clock and realize Harrison will be home any minute. My mind wanders as I fold, trying to think of how to bring up what Shawn said and ask about our relationship.

Harrison walks into the nursery, looking tired but content. I smile at the sight of him, with Shawn's words still swimming around in my head. For days now, I have wanted to talk to Harrison about it, but I didn't. Maybe I'm worried about what his answers might be.

"How was your day?" He asks to break the silence.

"It was good. Penny has been helping with the furniture and decorating."

"It looks great. You two are doing an amazing job."

"Thank you. She has been a huge help. I don't know if I could have done this without her."

"You know, if you need my help, all you have to do is ask. I'll help you with whatever you need."

"I know, thank you," I say, adding a little nervously. "I saw Shawn when I went to see Gabby," Folding baby clothes gives me something to do while we have this conversation.

"Really? I am sure I will hear all about it the next time I see him," Harrison says, undoing his tie.

"He said you two are going to be partners or something. Is that true?" I ask, focusing on the clothes with trembling hands.

"Well, in a sense that is true. I help him manage his money and do his investments. It was an important deal for the company. He has some big deals coming up." Harrison's voice trails off as he stares at me from across the room.

We sit quietly as Harrison finishes getting ready. After a few minutes, he stands up and walks over to me. Placing one hand on each side of my face, he looks deep into my eyes. Slowly, he leans down and places a kiss on my lips. Our tongues meet and begin exploring, sliding along each other like they were made for each other. When Harrison pulls away, he smiles at me, and I smile back at him.

"Harrison," I say, pulling away from him. "Your sudden interest in being a part of all of this didn't have anything to do with this important deal, did it?"