"No, I am good." I smile.
"All right." He goes to the door. "Have fun today."
"Thanks." I wave goodbye.
I head downstairs, and Penny is sitting in a chair holding Anthony.
"How was your night?" I ask her. "It looks like you got some sleep."
"Yes," she says with a smile. "It looks like you did as well. Gloria took his two o'clock feeding and Mr. Harrison fed him at five."
"Teamwork is a wonderful thing, isn't it?" I laugh.
She smiles. "As a matter of fact, it is."
Anthony starts fussing, so I take the bottle from her and give it to him. I hold him against my chest and pat his back until I hear him burp. He falls asleep quickly after that, and I take him upstairs to the nursery.
I lay him down in the crib and he cries for a moment before falling asleep again. When I return to the kitchen, I hear a knock on the door. Gloria hurries to the door to see who it is. A minute later, she walks into the kitchen with Gabby following behind her.
"Do you know your neighbor is chasing some naked guy down the street with a tennis racket?" Gabby says, pointing toward the window.
"I told you!" I exclaim with a laugh as Gloria looks out the window.
"So now she is down to just the pool boy," Penny adds, leaning against the wall.
"Pool boy? I don't remember seeing a pool when I passed by there," Gabby says, looking across the street.
We laugh as we watch the men in the street until they tire themselves out. When the excitement calms down, Gabby turns toward me.
"It is so good to see you!" She exclaims, reaching out to give me a hug. "I have missed you."
"I feel like I haven't seen you in years," I reply.
"I was thinking the same thing," she says. "We should get together more often."
"Well, I'll try to come by more. And you can stop by anytime you want."
"That would be nice," she says. "I can't wait for Alessandra and Anthony to meet. They will be best friends."
"Me too," I tell her. "He is upstairs. Do you want to go see him?"
"Of course," she replies. "I bet he is so cute."
"He really is," I agree. "It makes my heart melt every time he smiles."
"He has a great mother," she tells me. "And I am glad that you're here. Don't scare me like that again."
"I won't. I promise."
Gabby follows me upstairs to the nursery and takes a seat on one of the rocking chairs.
"So, how is everything?" I ask Gabby.
"Oh, it's wonderful," she responds. "I love being a mom. It is the greatest thing in the world."
"It really is," I admit. "Having Anthony has changed my life forever."
"I am glad," she says. "I know how much you wanted to be a mother."