"It was a lie," I cried. "He never wanted me. He wanted to change his image. He wants to take Anthony from me. His mother already met with a lawyer.
"Are you serious? Why would he do something like that?"
"For money. He told me he would do anything for me."
"Oh my God, that's terrible!"
"Yeah..." I sigh. "I don't know what to do."
"Maybe you should talk to a lawyer as well. You're going to need one if he really wants custody. I can help you find one. Don't worry, Riley. Everything will be okay."
"I know, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do."
"You need to trust your instincts. If things get bad, you will know and that's what matters."
"Okay, sounds good." I’m not that convinced, but I don’t want her to worry. She’s got enough on her plate.
"Anyway, I'll let you go. Alessandra is crying. Talk to you soon, Riley."
As I hang up, I look down at my stomach to see where he is moving now. Is that him kicking again? My heart starts pounding and my palms start to sweat. My body goes weak as he moves again.
Is this happening? I shake my head to remove the thoughts racing through my mind. This can't be real. Please let this be a nightmare.
I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom. The room starts spinning as the world fades to black. My legs collapse and I crash to the floor. All I can hear is the sound of my own heartbeat echoing in my ears. Suddenly I am thrust back into reality, and I realize that I'm lying on my back on the floor. I sit up, looking wildly around until I spot my mom standing there.
"Mom! What happened?"
"Shhh...it's okay, honey. I am here."
"What did I just happen to?"
"I think you fainted," my mom replies. "I heard you screaming, and I came to check up on you."
I feel faint again and I slump against the wall as my vision slowly returns to normal. A few moments pass before I regain consciousness enough to speak again.
"I think my water broke," I say softly, feeling a wet sensation between my thighs.
"We need to get you to a hospital," my mom says, standing up.
I watch her as I sit on the floor, weak and scared. She searches for my phone until she finds it then hurries back to my side.
"We need an ambulance. My daughter is pregnant. She just fainted and her water broke."
Her voice isn't the calm confident one I am used to. It's filled with fear and panic. I try to stay calm. I have to… for him.
Chapter Twenty - Four
"Good afternoon, Shawn. I hope everything is going well," I say, trying to hide my own pain.
"From what I hear, it doesn't seem like things are going very well at all. You want to tell me what happened?" He replies, sitting down across from me.
"Just a misunderstanding. We will work things out," I say, hoping it's the truth.