I shake my head no. "Maybe not forever, but for now, yes."

"But I thought you loved her!"

"I do love her. She just doesn't love me anymore."

"With all due respect, I think you need to talk to her."

"We’re way past respect here, Mrs. Thatcher. And… not now."

"You have to talk to her. That's how things are done. If you don't talk, then you risk losing her completely."

"I have tried, but she won't even answer the phone."

"I am sorry to hear that. Maybe this isn't the right time."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Do you think she would be upset if you went over there and talked to her?"

"Of course, she would be."

"Do it anyway."

I shake my head. "It wouldn't matter. I already know what she is going to say."

"Then why even try? Just show up and say it. End this once and for all. Don't let her keep running away from you."

I look at Mrs. Thatcher, but she is staring straight ahead. She doesn't seem to notice my eyes on her face.


"Well, you have to do one or the other. You can't stay in a state of limbo indefinitely."

"But I don't want to hurt her."

"Hurt her? How would telling her you love her hurt her?"

I look away and sigh. I can't tell her about my conversation with my mother because I don't know what she would say.

"You can't let her continue to run from you like this. You need to put yourself out there. That's what love is supposed to be. Isn't it?"

I turn and look at her. "Love is supposed to be hard work?"

She laughs, and I realize this is the first time I ever heard her laugh like that.

"My husband would definitely agree with that," she tells me.

I swallow my pride and nod my head in agreement. "When I figure out what to say to her, I'll go see her."

Chapter Twenty-Three


The house is quiet tonight, unlike my heart. My grandparents are already in bed. I sit down in the living room and stare out the window, looking for someone I know I won't find. My head is filled with questions and the answers seem to elude me.

I watch as the wind moves the tree branches outside, bending them to its will. The streetlights illuminate the area around them, revealing the creatures lurking in the shadows. It's peaceful here most of the time. Raising a baby here wouldn't be so bad.