"Can we watch something funny?" Riley asks.
I flip past a few shows, but none of them really seem to fit the bill. Then I come across an old rerun of Friends.
"How about this one?" I ask.
"Sounds good."
I pull up a cushion and lean back against the couch. Riley does the same next to me, resting her head on my shoulder.
As soon as the opening credits start, I notice Riley tensing up. I reach out and touch her hand.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, I am fine," she replies.
I glance over at her and see her eyes are closed. Her breathing seems even. I try to keep watching the show, but I can't concentrate. I am worried about her.
After ten minutes, I am so concerned I have to speak up.
"Riley?" I say softly.
She doesn't stir, but I can tell she hears me.
"Hey, baby?" I ask again.
Still nothing.
I reach over and gently stroke her cheek. She opens her eyes and turns to me. I am relieved to see that they aren't bloodshot or teary.
"I am sorry," she whispers. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."
"You needed the rest," I assure her.
"Maybe you should go to bed. I don't want you to be tired tomorrow."
"I am fine. Just let me get up and stretch for a bit."
She gets up, stretching and yawning. Once she is standing, she sits back down on the couch. I follow her and pull her into my lap. She leans against me and sighs, closing her eyes again.
"What is wrong?" I ask quietly.
"Nothing is wrong," she replies.
"Then why are you acting like that?"
Her voice is muffled because of the way she is laying, but I can tell she is smiling when I press my lips against hers.
Once the kiss ends, I lower her onto the couch and give her a minute to catch her breath. Then I stand up, carrying her to the bedroom.
I lay her on the bed and remove her shoes, then toss them aside. I peel off her socks and pull the blankets up.
"Go to sleep," I tell her. "I'll be here if you need me."
"Okay," she murmurs.
I pick up her clothes off the floor and lay them across the chair. Then I join her in bed, pulling the covers up around us.