She’s alone, stirring the straw of some fruity monstrosity in front of her, looking somewhat jaded. I know that feeling. She looks lost and out of place, looking around the room at the drunk bankers falling over themselves. Her light brown hair covers half of her beautiful face, and she pushes it back behind her ear.
Her blouse with dainty little cherries on it seems unfitting to this place. With other women wearing tight dresses and even tighter pants, her blouse is loose and seems to want to hide her curves instead of accentuating them. That alone makes her hard to miss.
I don’t even think about it twice. I walk up to her, putting my drink on her table. "Do you mind if I join you?"
"Oh… Mr. Rutherford… of course… I… sit, please…" she says awkwardly, getting up, gesturing widely with her hands and ending up spilling her drink all over herself. “Oh, for cryin’ out loud…”
I chuckle at her choice of words.
“Maybe if you said for fucks’ sake, it would make you feel better,” I tease.
She lifts her gaze, smiling. “My mother says I shouldn’t curse as much, so I try not to.”
“Ah,” I nod, unable to let this one slide. “You always do what your mother tells you?”
It was a joke, but I notice it’s made her feel uncomfortable. Usually, women would easily snap back from it. They’d have a comeback. But not Riley. That makes me strangely curious about her.
“Let’s get you another drink,” I say, and without waiting, I lift my hand at the waitress to bring us another round of drinks.
A good idea? Maybe not. But I still do it.
"The meeting with Mr. Anderson didn't go well?" She asks curiously, almost as if she can read my mind and know exactly why I’m here, drowning my disappointment.
"No, it went great, actually," I mumble. "He is interested in having us manage his finances and assist in brokering several new deals."
"Really?” She echoes. "That’s great news.”
“Mhm. Anderson Aeronautics designs the most sought-after drones in the country, their technology easily surpasses everything else on the market. Currently, they are in negotiations with the DOJ about a partnership worth billions.”
I can see from the look on her face that she finds it hard to wrap her mind around such a figure. Most people would react in such a way.
“That’s incredible,” she says with a smile.
"Yup. But first, I have to show him I am not the man he thinks I am." I shrug helplessly.
"You're not?" She asks, surprised. "What do you mean?"
"I am not exactly sure what kind of person he wants to partner with, but he is positive I am not it.”
“But you’re Harrison Rutherford,” she says my name. “Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to partner up with you?”
“I know, right?” I grin. This makes me feel a little better.
"You are great at your job. Everyone knows it,” she adds.
I know that is true. My family has built this company from ground up, and I managed to add to it. At least, I like to think I did. I want to do so much more, if only Mother wasn’t breathing down my neck at all times. I banish the thought, not wanting to have her in my head right now.
“I value my family’s company,” I nod. “It is the most important thing in my life.”
“Well… maybe… oh, nothing,” she says, then quickly shakes her head, grabbing her drink desperately and sucking it dry.
“What is it?” I ask curiously.
"Oh, it's nothing," she responds, laughing nervously. "You know, just office gossip."
"Then you have to tell me,” I grin. “So, I know who to fire.
Her eyes widen at me, looking shocked. I chuckle.