"Her name is Penny. She is Gloria's cousin. The family she was working for moved and she was looking for a new job. It only made sense and she is great."

We talk about giving birth and how wonderful it is going to be. Then Gabby stands up, putting her hand on her belly out of habit.

"I want to show you the nursery," she says, grabbing my hand.

I get up from the couch and follow her upstairs to the nursery. The walls are painted a pale pink color and butterflies are scattered across it.

A big window lets the sunlight stream in and there are lots of flowers. There is also a rocking chair and several stuffed animals.

"It's beautiful," I say, thinking of the plain yellow walls in our nursery.

"Thank you," she replies, beaming with pride. "It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. I can't wait until Alessandra is here."

When we return to the living, I am surprised to see Gabby's father. I haven't seen him since my baby shower, but he has always been a nice man.

"Riley, how are you doing?" Shawn asks when he sees me.

"I am doing great. The baby is great. How are you doing?" I respond, walking over to shake his hand.

"I am doing good," he says as a broad smile crosses his face. "I am sure Harrison has already told you about partnership. I am looking forward to doing business with your new family."

"That's great news! Harrison hadn't mentioned it, but it explains the good mood he has been in," I reply, unsure of why Harrison didn't mention it.

"You know, he has you to thank for it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the way I see things, family is the most important part of life. I want to work with people who feel the same way. Harrison didn't seem like a family man when we first met. He was all about the money. Money is nice but people are more important. Now, he is going to be a father. I didn’t think such a thing was possible, not with a man like him, but he’s proven me wrong. He is a whole new man."

I smile, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, taking the same parenting class as Gabby seems less like a coincidence and more like a strategy. I don’t like the gut feeling that rises from the bottom of my stomach.

I look at Gabby, who gives me an awkward smile. Maybe she came to the same conclusion, but now isn't the time to discuss such things.

"That's sweet of you to say," I tell him. "I better get home. I just wanted to check on Gabby."

Gabby gets up from her chair. " I'll walk you out."

"I'll see you soon," Shawn says as we walk away.

"I look forward to it," I reply nervously.

"I am glad you came over. We should get together again soon," Gabby says, opening the door.

"Yes. As soon as you are up to it," I reply, giving her a hug.

"I will call you tomorrow." She says, as I get in the car.

I wave to her as I drive away, with thoughts of Harrison and his new partnership swirling around in my head.

When I get home, I find Gloria and Penny in the kitchen. Gloria is cooking something on the stove while Penny chops vegetables. They are laughing and talking about something in Spanish.

"Good afternoon," Gloria says when she sees me walk in. "How is Mrs Gabby doing?"

"She is doing a lot better," I reply, putting my bags down by the counter.

"That's wonderful," Gloria replies, adding the chopped veggies to the pan. "Dinner will be ready in half an hour, but if you're hungry now, I can make you something."

I nod, still trying to catch my breath. "No, I am not really that hungry. Thank you though."