"Mrs. Thatcher, what do you know about manifesting?" I ask when she walks into my office.

She arches her eyebrow. "Manifesting? Like, wishing hard for what you want?"

"I suppose,” I shrug. "I don’t really know what it is. I don't believe in those kinds of things."

"But why do you need to know what it is then?" My now confused assistant asks.

I let out a sigh as I explain. "Because the woman carrying my future son or daughter believes in this nonsense, and I want to know exactly what it is she believes."

Mrs. Thatcher shakes her head.

"Well, why don't you ask her to explain it then?"

"She did. I still don’t get it. I just thought there might be something I'm missing."

"It’s quite a broad subject. And I suppose it has a slightly different meaning for everyone. That is why it would be best to ask her what exactly manifesting means for her,” she explains as best as he can.

"Thank you, Mrs. Thatcher. That will be all."

An hour later Shawn Anderson is in my office to talk about the proposal I sent him. Taking him on as a client would be a great accomplishment, considering what his company is capable of doing, but his little game of playing hard to get is growing tiresome. With all the new stress that has been added recently I am not eager to take on anymore.

"Good afternoon, Harrison," he says in his bubbly tone as he approached my desk.

"Good afternoon, Shawn," I reply. "How are you doing today?"

"Oh, I am doing wonderful!" He exclaims taking a seat. "We just found out my daughter is having a baby girl."

"Well, that's wonderful news," I respond, amazed by the coincidence and seeing an opportunity I just couldn’t pass up. He wanted to see if I was the sort of man he saw himself partnering up with? I would show him now.

"We should be finding out the sex of our baby soon as well," I say eyeing his response.

"Baby?" He asks with a look of shock. "You are going to be a father?"

That you pricks me, but I don’t show it.

"I am," I say with a reassuring smile. "You are actually the first person I've told so please keep it to yourself." This was just to add importance to the whole thing.

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe," he replies with a wink. "Well, congratulations. I didn't even know you were married."

"I'm not," I respond, wanting to keep some parts true so I don’t get entangled in this mess. "Not yet. This was all a bit of a surprise for us, and we don't want to rush things."

"I see," he says, pausing for a second before seemingly hit with an epiphany. "The assistant that was here before, is it her? She looked a lot like my Gabby the last time I saw her."

"Excuse me?" I ask confused.

"You don't have to tell me," he quickly responds. "It's none of my business. I was just curious. That's all."

"Well, as a matter of fact, it is Riley. That is another reason why I would like to keep this from turning into office gossip," I say.

"I understand completely," he assures me. "She seems like a lovely girl. Congratulations. I have to say that I am very pleasantly surprised."

Bingo, I smile as widely as I can.

The rest of our short meeting runs smoothly, and he seems more comfortable with me. Before he leaves, he schedules a meeting for next week, and I think I may have finally found a way to get him as a client.

A sense of accomplishment washes over me, and I reach for the phone, eager to share the news. I dial Riley's number but get no answer and hang up. Suddenly, my office door opens, and my assistant enters.

"Your mother is here again," she says in a loud whisper, looking back toward the elevator. "Should I tell her you’re in a meeting?”