At the hospital, we found my aunt in much better spirits. The hospital discharged her later that day and we took her home. I made us a healthy dinner of fish and vegetables and afterwards, we sat inside, talking, with Ari putting his head on my father’s lap.
My aunt said she’d go back to live with Jean for now, as Jean was looking after her grandchild, an eight-year-old boy. Even though she was much better following her hip operation, she was not as strong as she used to be and needed help around the house and with her grandson.
“But it’s not your home. And you’ll be taking care of someone else’s child, again.”
I thought about her life, and it seemed sad to me but Aunt Kate smiled.
“I have helped others in my life, do you know how good that makes me feel? Being able to see you grow into this beautiful, capable woman has made me feel so proud. If I can help little Jordan grow up to be a good man, won’t that be something? Besides, I love living on the farm.”
My aunt was an angel, I thought, that was all there was to it.
“How long will you stay?” my father asked me. I didn’t know the answer to that. Josie had sent me messages asking me when I’d be back. She said she didn’t want to rush me, but I was needed in the office. I had called her back earlier in the evening.
“There is no rush, take all the time you need,” Josie said. “It’s just… we do miss you! Samira and I have been trying to do your job as well as ours and we’re just swamped! It’s not only that, but, like, do you know how to unlock the massage chairs?”
“What do you mean, unlock them?”
“Once they are in position, there is a lock right?’
“I think there is a switch at the base,” I said. “But the manuals should be in my bottom drawer in my desk. Why do you need to unlock them?”
It turned out that there had been an accident in the massage room the previous Friday. Some developers had worked late, then decided to have a drink or ten and then went up to try out the massage chairs, which hadn’t been packed away like they were supposed to. They started messing around with the chairs and it seems there might have been some sexual activity involved as well. It all came to a crashing halt when two of the chairs fell over, and slammed into the others.
“Sounds to me like they might need replacing,” I said. “We don’t want them malfunctioning because some circuit was damaged. If you check the pink folder in my bottom drawer, you’ll find the name of the guy I’ve been dealing with at the company. Scott, I think.”
“When do you think you’ll come back?” Josie asked again.
“Soon,” I said. My aunt was better, and I wanted to spend a bit of time with my father, but then I had no more reason to be here. I also wanted to get away from Sven.
But I didn’t know what to do about Michael.
I hadn’t heard from him again and since I had left the last message, I didn’t want to pester him. I had hoped that he would have calmed down by now, but it seemed not. The idea that our relationship might be over was heartbreaking. I didn’t know if I could work in the same office as him if we weren’t together. I had always known this was a possibility but somehow, I hadn’t wanted to really consider it.
I decided to give myself a few days to deal with the situation.
“I’ll be back on Monday,” I said, firm resolve in my voice. “Bright and early!”
“Wonderful!” Josie said. “I must admit, I was worried that you might want to stay…”
“Not likely,” I said. “You know I can’t live without my banh mi sandwiches for lunch?”
“What? There is no Vietnamese take-out joint in Nolan, Kansas?” Josie said, teasing me.
“There is no Asian food here at all!” I complained. “I saw some ramen noodles at the store, but they had already crumbled to dust in the package!”
“You’d better come back then!” she laughed.
“How are things with Eugene?” I asked.
Her voice softened; I could hear she was smiling. “They’re really good, you know? I can’t believe I never took notice of him in college. He is so sweet. I’ve met his parents and they are absolute darlings.”
I thought again of meeting Michael’s parents and got a chill down my spine.
“Lucky for you!” I said.
“It wasn’t luck though, was it?” Josie said. “It was you, you helped us get together. I should thank you!”
“Ah…” I said. “But you made it work. He had to call you and you had to say yes!”