“Are you drunk?” she asked.


“You had a four o’clock meeting with the head of marketing?”

“Oh.” I had forgotten about that.

“You’re also scheduled to have a call with Roper Kadinsky at five. What should I tell him?”

“Tell him… emergenshhhy woot canal.” It didn’t come out right. “You’ll think of something,” I said.

“I’m coming over,” she said.

“No! Don’t do that,” I said quickly.

But minutes later, she was there, pressing the buzzer.

I let her in, poured her a drink too.

She looked at hers, took a tiny sip and pulled a face. “Is there any water in here?”

“Whasss the point of that?” I slurred.

“Is this about Belle?”


“I know about the two of you,” she said, looking at me sternly.

“Two of whaaaa… doya mean?”

“Please, I’ve known for months. But I can be discreet, I didn’t tell anyone.”

“H..How?” I asked. “When?”

“Let me think…” she said. “The time you had sex in your car before work and I was waiting for you outside? Or the time you accidentally butt called me and I listened to you and Belle discuss what to have for dinner? She wanted the honey chicken, I believe?”

I just stared at her.

“Did you guys have a fight?”

I shook my head. “It’s over.”


I was too drunk to tell her the whole story.

“You do know her aunt is very sick and in hospital, right? She got the call while at the office, she was so upset she couldn’t even book the flight home. Samira had to do it.”

“Shamirrrraa….” I slurred.

Maya shook her head, disgusted. “If you break up with Belle, it will be the biggest mistake of your life.”

She looked at me. “Even bigger than missing the Red Hot Chili Pepper concert because you fell asleep on the couch at home.”

“Terrible,” I shook my head. I hated to be reminded of that.

I tried to tell her about Sven and Maya shook her head.