“You know that guy you were talking to earlier this evening, two tables over?”
“Oh, yeah, Eugene? We went to college together.”
“He came over and asked me all these questions about you, if you were single and so on.”
“What did you say?” she asked me.
“I said I didn’t know, but he should give you a call… is that okay?”
“Eugene is a dish!” Josie said. “He wasn’t back in college, you should have seen him then! He was fat! With greasy, long hair and pimples.When I saw him tonight, I thought, boy did he turn out well!”
“He’s interested in you all right, I gave him your number.”
“Okay!” Josie gave a delighted chuckle. “Thanks for that, Belle. I’m glad I wore my lucky dress!”
I knew it was a dangerous game to play matchmaker. But it was vital that I get Josie’s attention away from Michael, and by proxy, me. I thought of the wheeling and dealing I’d done tonight, the lies I’d fed Marianne as well as Josie.
If anyone had told me only a year ago, I’d be doing this, I would have laughed in their faces.
I took a cab home and saw a light was on in Ty’s apartment.
I knocked on the door.
“Hey stranger!” he said and let me in.
“Don’t you look glamorous! Want a beer?”
I nodded and told him about seeing Ramón leave the apartment.
“Yeah, they broke up. Saw that coming, actually.”
“You did? They seemed so happy.”
“Julius is insanely jealous. Every time Ramón looked at someone else, he’d completely freak out. Like totally over the top,” Ty shook his head. “Ramón hoped he’d calm down in time but it’s like he’s gotten worse!”
“Last week, he thought some guy in a club was coming on to Ramón, which in all fairness, he probably was. The problem was that Ramón told him to leave it. So, they have this argument in the club and next moment Julius hits this guy, in the face, breaking his nose.”
“He actually hit him?” I couldn’t imagine Julius being that violent.
“They had to take this poor guy to hospital and convince him not to lay charges. I mean, Julius could have been locked up for that.”
“What about you?” I asked. “How’ve you been?”
He made big eyes. “I’ve met someone!”
“What? When?”
“Few nights ago.”
“And you’re only telling me now?!”
“You’ve been kinda busy,” he said.
“So… tell me, what’s his name?”
Ty seemed to think it over. “Don’t know.”