Page 2 of Never Say Never

I am so fucking ready to call it a night. So far my shit for an agent is ditching me, I've been hit on, I've been flashed, and someone I really liked thought I was soliciting sex AND didn't want what he thought I was selling. I'm done!

I walk as quickly as I can to the exit and ask the attendant for my wrap and purse. I hit the button and request a ride before I call my bestie. She's more than five states away from me on the other side of the country but she still keeps up with me and makes sure I'm alright as best she can. The mountain of shit I have to tell her is going to keep us up for half the night.

I don't want to cry about how tonight went, I'm just mad. Okay, so I might want to cry a little about Wes Marshal being a dick and thinking I'm a whore but right now I'm not thinking about that. I'm thinking about putting a stiletto through every member of the male species eyeballs until they understand what it is like to be a woman. As long as I'm angry I can't make room to cry. All I have to do is stay mad and I won't dissolve into the stupid little country girl I am. Thank God for resting bitch face!

Chapter Two



I’m still searching for the girl who came up to me to talk. I was checking her out from across the room. She's hard to miss. She's got a certain beauty that screams innocence. It makes people like me and half of America think of all the ways we can dirty her up. It's been a long ass time since I wanted to even think of sticking my cock in someone and ages since I thought about all the dirty shit I can have a woman do for me. Until her.

When I saw her make her way over to me I was already pissed. I've done enough of these stupid parties to understand most of the eye candy are easy fucks if you have the right amount of money. Most of them just want to have a story to tell the magazines or a chance to say they've been with you. I stopped fucking them right away. It didn't take too long for me to figure out most people don't want to meet me; they want to meet the singer/songwriter who makes bank and fills stadiums. They don't give a shit how I look or how I act or what I say as long as they get their picture and their story. I'm not sure why it pissed me off so bad that she was like all the others but it did.

Only, I don't think she is like that. If she had been she would have jumped John's bones. He's got fame and money and comes from an old Hollywood family that could really launch a girl's career right up to the stars. Instead, she apologized and left. She actually fucking apologized to me. What the fuck? That was definitely a new angle I hadn't been hit up with before. I lost her in the crowd and haven't been able to find her since.

Maybe she was never really here. Maybe she was someone I made up out of boredom and wishful thinking. She is what I want. What I want to happen when all of the women and some of the men are looking at me like I'm a piece of meat. I think she might really have wanted to get to know me. And I fucked up. I made her run the other way. Way to go asshole!

A hint of green catches my eye and I zero in on it. I make my way to the front where I last spotted her. I get stopped a few times but I don't pay the people any attention and instead make my excuses. When I'm close I see her leaning up against one of the porch's railings waiting outside. There is a little partition just to her left and I make my way around so I can get to it without her seeing me.

"It was fucking awful. I'm waiting for an Uber kind of awful." She's talking to someone on the phone. Jealousy springs up inside of me out of fucking nowhere. Is she talking to a boyfriend? A husband? "All they wanted to do was see my big...teeth and I don't feel like smiling anymore." I fight the laugh bubbling up inside of me at her euphemism. She's got a clever way of talking. "No, I decided to nope the hell out of there when the atmosphere started getting a little rapey. A guy actually showed me his junk. Like complete fucking dick, right in front of me, I shit you not."

She definitely doesn't talk like most of the other girls wanting a quick fuck or an easy paycheck. She's funny and I can tell by listening to her talk that she’s smart too. Trust me if you listen to enough of these airheads you can spot the smart ones a mile away.

"Don't even get me started on him. It went so bad I don't want to think about it until tomorrow."

I wonder if she's talking about meeting me. Who the hell is on the phone? Through the latticework I can just barely see her. The light from the driveway is backlighting her causing her to almost glow. She looks tired. And she doesn't have sense enough to be aware of when someone is looking at here when they shouldn't be. I could be an obsessed fan for fuck sakes instead of an obsessed singer.

"Yeah, I'm going home. I don't want anyone else fucking trying to guess how big my chest is tonight. It was literally like one of those county fair things -guess-the-weight-of-the-sow pig kind of thing. Utterly fucking disgusting."

I watch as she gets in the car. A girl is driving which is the only reason I'm not following her down and getting in there with her. County fairs, nopes, and sows are not something I usually hear discussed at these parties. I would bet some of my royalties that my new obsession isn't from around here. Not to mention she said the word junk like it was a color of the rainbow. My sweet little innocent has a dirty mouth. One to rival even my own. It's...endearing.

I ask for my car to be brought around and hop in and at the same time, I dial my agent. I want to know everything I can about her and the first thing I need is her name since all I have to go on is the one she gave me tonight which could have been a fucking stage name or some shit. If I had just shut the fuck up and let her talk to me I might have been going home with her right now instead of fucking sitting here talking to Vin.

I spot the Uber she got into sitting at a light. I'm about three cars behind them. I'm not above stalking to get what I want.

"Hey Vinny, how's it going?" we exchange pleasantries for a few as I ask him about his wife and new baby. "Listen I need you to do me a favor. I was at that party you sent me to and a girl came up to me. Her name was Ivy St. Claire. I need you to find out who represents her for me. We were talking about maybe doing something together."

The lie rolls off my tongue so easily. I don't feel bad about it if it gets me what I want. I grew up different from the people I'm around. I didn't go on fancy vacations and spend daddy's money hunting down the fastest cars and the easiest women. My ass was out there on the street, fighting, fucking, and singing.

"Is she a singer?"

"No, man. She's an actress but she thought I would be a good fit for a movie she's going to be in and she made it sound interesting." I don't have to do shit unless I want to now. Four multimillion-selling albums in and I make my own rules.

Normally asking someone to find a person based on a name and a career that you just met briefly at a party would be a hopeless endeavor but Vin is magic. He can find anything.

"Give me thirty minutes and I'll call you back." Fucking magic.

I pull up on the other side of the street and watch Ivy get out and go into a decent apartment building. It looks like a nice place to live. Nothing really fancy but it's in a good part of town and clean. I grab my bag and change out of my dress shirt into a tank. I don't plan to leave until Vin calls me back and I know for sure I have her. If this is all I have then I'm not going to let it slip through my fingers just because I have to wait. I'm used to putting in the hard work to get what I want and Ivy is going to be no different.

I don't stop to think about why I am going a little caveman about this girl or what about her has me by the balls. I knew the first time I saw her that she was something special. I hated to think she was just like everyone else. It pissed me off bad, the thought of her being there to fuck to get ahead. Hell, the thought of her fucking anyone pisses me off. Then I found out she wasn't and the want I felt before when she was standing across the room surged back like a fucking tsunami. I just have to find a way to undo the disaster of a first impression I gave her.

I call a friend of mine who owes me a favor. My agent can get me a lot of things but sometimes what I need verges on...illegal and for that, I usually use one of my friends from the old neighborhood. He doesn't pick up but I leave a message. Short and quick not telling him what the hell I want. He doesn't need to know that until he picks up.

It’s not unusual for him not to answer. He likes people about as much as he likes established social norms. My phone rings right away.

"Auggie, I have a job for you."