Page 7 of Never Say Never

"Can I give you some advice? You're sleeping with a rock star; I mean you have to be sleeping with him because a man like him doesn't just hang around waiting for you to come off a dry spell so here's the advice. Don't fall in love with this guy."

"Yeah, I don't think love is going to be a problem for either of us." If she only knew this thing has a shelf life of about one month exactly.

"Yeah," she sounds like she doesn't believe me, "listen, a girl like you just doesn't fuck around without her heart being somewhere in there waiting to get involved. But don't. Don't fall for this guy. If you want love go back to whatever farm you got off of and find love there with a potato farmer or a..." she waves her hand around making smoke circles with it trying to chase down the right word. "Whoever does what on the farm; fall in love with them not men like Wes. Men like Wes don't do long-term relationships and when they say they want to keep things quiet that means they don't want to be seen out with you but at a couple of things and then cut ties with you hoping for no drama or bullshit.

"I'm not in love with him. You don't have to worry."

"Oh no, it's too late isn't it." She frowns and crosses her arms over her chest, "You're already in love with him aren't you. Poor baby." She snubs out her cigarette and goes to the door without saying another word to me.

What the hell have I gotten myself into and why does she think I am already in love with Wes? She doesn't have to tell me how men like Wes are, I understand. Hell, I know when this whole charade is going to be over. So why does it make me feel even lonelier than I was before I ever talked to Wes?

Chapter Six



I was standing outside for the whole spiel her agent gave her about not falling in love with a man like me. I heard her answers and the denial that she felt anything for me. She didn't tell her agent we were just pretending but she came close enough. Even if her agent didn't believe her. I had to duck into another dressing room when the agent came out to keep from getting in her shit about how she talks to Ivy.

I make a mental note to have Vin check her agent out and maybe do something about that whole mess. I don't need anyone else in Ivy's but me. I wait until I'm sure I'm not going to throw her over my shoulder and carry her back to my house before I leave the room and go to her. When I knock she gives me an absent-minded come in and doesn't look up from the script.

"You should find out who it is before you just let anyone in. You have real issues with safety don't you." Her head comes up, her eyes going round at my words.

"Wes, I didn't expect you to be here. Is there something I can do for you?"

Yeah, lose the icy tone to your voice and come suck my dick. Show me your agent is a shit who doesn't know what she is talking about trying to send you back to 'the farm' to have you fucked. I must have been having the conversation in my head and staring at her for a long time because she starts squirming in her seat and looking around the room, maybe for a way out away from the crazy guy who is glaring at her right now.


"I just come by to tell you I wouldn't be home tonight." There is no way I can be in the same house for another night and not fuck her.

"Oh," her brow wrinkles and she looks away from me. When she looks back up her gaze is even icier than before. "Is this the exclusive thing you were talking about where it's just me and you and whatever girl you can fuck for the night?"

What the hell is she talking about? It takes me a minute to put together that she thinks I am going somewhere else to fuck someone.

"Why did you come here to tell me this? You could have just texted. Oh, I guess it looks good if you show up on the set so people think we are actually together. Always thinking, aren't you?"

I move fast, a lot quicker than she expected. "I have an interview to do in another state." I have my hand wrapped around her neck before I can think things through. She really has no idea how enthralling she is to me. I run my thumb over her full bottom lip and bend low so that our faces are close enough to nearly touch. "I already told you baby, this thing we're doing, it doesn't have room for more than two. For the next couple of weeks, I belong to you and you belong to me. Don't forget it."

I take her lips in a bruising kiss. I can't help it. I know it makes me a bastard and I shouldn't but with her I just can't seem to stop myself. I cup her jaw in my hand so I can press just hard enough to have her mouth popping open for me so that I can spear my tongue inside of her.

A throat clearing finally has me pulling away from her. I look behind us at the team of people here to get Ivy ready. Most of them are wearing knowing smiles on their faces. I turn back and whisper low enough that only Ivy can hear me.

"Remember who you are dealing with, baby. I'm not from this place, I don't follow the same rules everyone here follows." I step back from her and take a minute to look at what I did to her, from her slightly swollen lips to her glazed eyes before I turn to leave. What I told her is the only warning I am going to give her. I might be a rock star and live in this make-believe land but I am one hundred percent real and raw. With me, what she sees is what she gets. Every possessive part of me. I don't waste time on this trip either, I do my god damn interview and I'm back on a plane within an hour of finishing. It still feels like it took too fucking long. When I make it back I am exhausted and only want to see Ivy but she's at work. I spend just enough time catching up with my house staff before I am at the set. I walk quietly down the hall to Ivy's dressing room. She's got a three-episode arc for this show with an option for a fourth and fifth.

I stop short when I hear her cheery voice call out a hi before I'm even at the door.

"Oh, it's you." Something is off in her voice so I step just close enough to peer around the door and see Jon.

"Who were you expecting, sweetheart." That asshole. He knew I was doing an interview.

"Wes isn't here, he's doing an interview." Her voice sounds cold and clipped.

"I know." The blood drains from my face at his words. "I just wanted to come by and see if you changed your mind about taking me up on that ride I offered."

"What? Are you asking me...? No." Ivy is flustered I can tell. I clinch my fists wanting to fuck this guy up for even making her sound this way. Scared, she sounds scared and I hate it.

"No? Are you really saying no to me?"