
WhenMilessaidgirls'night with Maggie's sisters-in-law, I was thinking a handful of women, not half the town.But Miles says that this is a great group of people, and I trust him, so even though everything in me wants to turn around and leave, I decide to stay and give it a chance.

Maggie introduces me to her one sister-in-law, Anna Mae, and her adorable son.Then she introduces me to her little sister, Ella, and Ella in turn introduces me to her four sister-in-laws, Sage, Riley, Megan, and Sarah.

Sage and Megan both remember me from school since they grew up around here.But both say they haven't seen me in a while since I went away to school.From the sound of things, it looks like I was trying to escape my stepmother after my father died.

Also here tonight are some friends of the family.Lily who Miles said helped with his illegal rodeo case, and Lily's sister Savannah, and two other friends, Abby, and Kayla.Along with Ella's mother-in-law, Helen, and Ella and Maggie's mother, Maria.

It's a good thing that the ranch house, as they call it, is pretty much a mansion.I don't think I've ever stepped foot inside a house this huge, well, I don't think I would have anyway, even if I could remember.

Tonight, they made tacos and margaritas, and we're having a good time.Apparently, most of these girls have kids and all the kids are over on the other side of the ranch at Helen and her husband's place with the guys.Which is also where Miles has ended up.

Everyone is talking and catching up on what's going on in their lives when a beautiful blonde sits down next to me.Of course, I'm having trouble remembering her name.

"Hey, I'm Kayla.My husband is the town doctor.He went to school with a couple of them, and after we got married, they just kind of sucked me right in as I'm sure they will with you since you're with Miles now."

She's sweet and friendly, and I find the idea of these girls pulling me in as a friend appealing, even though it's also kind of scary.

"It’s a big group, but it's kind of like a family.They'll have your back no matter what, and that's why we do these monthly get-togethers.It would be too much to phone everybody and let them know what's going on in your life, so we do one big group thing.That way we can let everyone know what's going on with us because sometimes we don't talk until the next get together.Yet if I need them, I can pick up the phone and they'll be there in a heartbeat."

"That does sound nice.It’s funny because I don't know if I had any friends in school, but one has reached out because they haven't heard from me, so I know I have at least one.But I'm guessing I didn't have many friends in town because no one other than you guys have connected with me after hearing what happened."

“Don’t worry about that,” Kayla says.“Before I met Brice and these ladies, I didn’t have many friends that I could trust.I run a big company in Dallas, and everyone wanted me around because they wanted something from me.It made it difficult to let people in, but these girls don't want anything from me other than friendship."

We both take a minute and eat some of our dinner before she speaks again.

"It must be really weird not to remember much of anything," she says, full of genuine curiosity.After all, her husband is a doctor.

"I get these flashes of memory.It's almost like a movie playing in my head, showing me parts of my life.Memories of my dad or my childhood in this area, but it's a few seconds of my life here and nothing really big.While I know what things are and I know how to use them, I don't remember what food tastes like or what my nightly routine is.The weirdest thing was getting into a shower and having no idea how I liked my water.Didn’t know if I liked it hot, cold, or warm."When I realize pretty much everyone is looking at me and listening, I clamp my mouth shut.

A brunette, who I believe is named Megan, comes and sits on the other side of me on the couch.

"Sage and I knew your dad because Sage worked with some of his horses.He was a good man, and we were all at his funeral.I can only imagine how crushing it is to need people to help you piece together parts of your life and not knowing who you can trust and who might be saying something to use your lack of memory against you.If you ever have any doubt about someone's intentions in this town, just call us.We know everyone.If we don't know them, then it's probably not someone you need to be trusting.And for the record, that man of yours is one of the best single ones left, but don't you dare tell my husband I said that."

Those words make me feel a lot better.Then everyone starts talking again, and I listen in, realizing Savannah is some big time singer that I might have known about if I had my memories.She was on tour with a really popular band when she met her husband and decided to settle down here.

She talks about how she's been working with a record label and doing some songwriting, which seems to be what she prefers.

Abby talks about getting ready for the summer carnival.Megan chimes in lettings me know that planning the summer carnival is how she and her husband met.She's the pastor's wife.

Sarah talks about how she and her husband are planning a week in the summer in a town called Walker Lake that's close to Amarillo where I go to school.From what I gather, her friends Jenna and Skye live there or will be visiting there.

Today I’ve learned so many new names that my head is spinning, and I probably won’t remember even half of them.But in this short amount of time knowing them, I don’t think these girls will mind.

Even though I had been prepared to at least eat my food and then call Miles to get out of there, I end up staying.Finally, the guys came in the side door putting an end to the night hours later.

I know I will never forget the look on Miles's face when he rounded the corner, his eyes landed on me, and he saw me laughing with the girls.What I saw on his face was pure awe.


The entire time I was hanging out with the guys, I was constantly checking my phone.I was so sure she wasn't going to want to stay more than thirty minutes before I'd get a phone call to come pick her up.Instead, she stayed the entire evening.When I walked in and saw her laughing and having a good time with the girls, all the nerves I had about the night were gone.In a way I never could have hoped for, she fits into my life perfectly.

When she sees me, she stands up, walks over, and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss right there in front of everyone.Obviously, claiming me.I couldn't be happier.No one even cares because every one of the girls walked up to their guy the same way kissing them.She is going to fit right in here.

The whole way home she tells me everything that happened.Though she can't remember names, I can tell who she's talking about based on the stories that she's telling.Like I know that it's Savannah when she's talking about the singer, or that it's Megan when she's talking about the hairdresser.

We get ready for bed that night and it's like this new boost of confidence is in her, and I love it.She pulls me in for a kiss as she crawls into bed.I live for these kisses as they are the best part of my day.We haven't done anything more than kiss because I don't feel right doing so until she has her memories back.But tonight, she's really pushing for more.