"Oh, for the love of sweet tea."

Instantly I'm at the diner.Though it's not today, but several years ago, and I'm here with my dad.Like today, I had just gone to the bathroom, and was coming back to the table not paying too much attention.Jo was standing at a table, and I walked behind her.She turned around quickly, and we ran into each other, causing her to drop the plates in her hands.

She said the same thing then, 'oh, for the love of sweet tea.'

I can see everything about that day so vividly.Almost as if I'm there again.The curtains on the windows are different, and the booths are the original red cracked vinyl, not the new black leather that they are now.

The memory is so intense that it feels like it's literally been slammed into me.My knees buckle and I fall to the ground.In the distance, I can hear Maggie calling for Miles, and I see feet rushing up to me.Miles drops to his knees in front of me, panicked, and gathers me into his arms.

"I'm fine.I just had a memory about a time I was here with my dad.The seats used to be red, and the curtains had little daisies on them," I say, trying to hang on to the memory as tight as possible.

"That would have been before I remodeled, and almost three years ago now," Jo says, standing beside us.

"Can we go see my dad?"I ask with so much excitement at finally remembering someone.

Miles's face falls, and I have to wonder what I said.

"Your dad died last year," he says softly.

A vise tightens on my heart.I remember him saying something like that before, but with the sudden memory I forgot.I still don’t remember his death, the funeral, or even where he is buried, and I hate this.

"Right, I remember you telling me that.What happened to the ranch?"

"Your stepmom runs it now.The same ranch managers are there, but no one in town really hears much about anybody or anything."Jo says as I finally stand up from the ground with Miles's help.

"Do you want to go to the ranch and see your stepmom and step-siblings?Miles asks hesitantly.I can tell he doesn't like the idea, but he would do it if it was something I wanted to do."

"No, I doubt they want to see me.Especially if they haven't even reached out to me yet," I say, not even feeling a little bit like I've lost anything.

"Well, that's their loss, and don't you dare think otherwise," Jo says, Maggie, Nick, and Miles agreeing with her.

"Let’s get you home Sleeping Beauty.You need to rest."Miles says, wrapping his arm around my waist."

"Lunch is on me.You just take care of her."Nick says as Miles reaches for his wallet.

"Thanks, man.I'll return the favor next time I'm in town," Miles says, helping me out to his truck.

The entire way home, Miles holds my hands.When he helps me into the house and onto the couch, I can tell he's worried.

"Lie down and rest.I have a few phone calls to make, and then afterward we can watch some of the movies Maggie suggested.But only if you take a nap," he says, covering me up with a blanket.I nod because even though we haven't done much today, just the impact of that memory coming back has taken a lot out of me.Though I won't admit that to him because I don't want him to worry any more than he already does.

I play this new memory over and over in my head.But it's the only thing I remember of my father right now.What I wouldn't give to be able to see him someday in my memory.Though when I think of that memory, I don't even see Jo's face.

Closing my eyes, I try really hard to get some sleep, hoping I'll wake up with some more memories.And maybe if I'm really good and take a nap, I can have some more kisses from Miles.

Chapter 7


It'sbeenaweeksince I brought my Sleeping Beauty home from the hospital.A week of her sleeping in my bed.And it has been the most perfect week of my life.We spent a lot of time on the couch watching the movies Maggie recommended.

I've had to do a little running around town, including some grocery shopping, and she's come with me.She had little flashbacks as we went around town.Mostly they are memories of growing up, riding her bike on the sidewalk, going to church on Sundays, and then for ice cream with her dad after church.Nothing too big.

Right now, she's sitting on the couch, and we just finished another movie.I have my arm around her, and she's curled up to my side.Even though I love holding her, as promised, I haven't pushed her for anything she isn't willing to give, which means we haven't done anything more than kissing and cuddling.

"I think I want to go up to my school and see if any memories are triggered there.Plus, I'm sure I have stuff that we need to pack up if I'm not going to go back until next school year."

Though I know she's right, and we do have to pack up her stuff, I also would like to see where she was living and learn more about that part of her life.If it triggers more memories, that's a good thing, even if it means there's a possibility of me losing her in the end.