
Wakingupreallyearlythe next morning, I'm unable to get back to sleep.I watch Rose sleep in my bed, and I still can't believe she's here.At the same time, all the lies that are between us are gnawing at me, but right now is not the time to confess them.She needs to get better first.

Carefully getting out of bed without waking her, I go to the kitchen to make her breakfast.Last night, when I was making dinner, I realized how much I absolutely loved taking care of her.Even the little things from cooking her meals and watching her eat, to helping her pick out her clothes.

As I start breakfast, I'm grateful that I was able to take some time off work to spend with her.Hopefully, this will make the transition for her easier.I explained to my boss the much cleaner version of Rose getting hurt and needing to help take care of her.At the same time, I let my boss think that we had been together for a while without me saying anything.

I decide to make a breakfast casserole that was always my favorite as a kid.Once it's in the oven, I do some research on my phone about amnesia and what to look for and what to expect.To help her through this, I want to be as prepared as possible.

After she wakes up and eats, she spends the morning asking me questions.She asks me a lot about the town, her family, the ranch, what happened with her dad, and even about my case with the illegal rodeo.I answer as honestly as I can, and if I don't know something, I tell her.

Then she asks me to drive her around town because she wants to find out if seeing different locations might trigger some memories.As much as I want her to remember, I don't want to force anything too soon, either.But just driving around in my truck can't hurt.

"How do you feel about having lunch at the diner?I know Jo would love to see you, and maybe she can give you some answers or help trigger something?"At my suggestion, she seems really excited to get out of the house and go to the diner.

On our way into the diner, we run into Nick and Maggie.

"Miles!"Maggie greets me with a hug, which I can tell makes Nick uncomfortable.When I first came to town before Maggie and Nick really started dating, I had asked Maggie out.Well, that was what set Nick in motion to finally go after her.While I'm happy for them, it seems to still make things a bit awkward between Nick and me.Though who can blame him?

"Maggie, this is Rose.Rose this is Maggie and Nick.

"Please tell me you'll have lunch with us.It's been a long time since we've had a chance to catch up," Maggie says.

I look over at Nick to see if us sitting with him is okay, and he gives me a short nod.Though he's not thrilled, he'll allow it because it's what his wife wants.I'm just now beginning to understand that feeling.

When the food comes out, Jo, the diner owner, brings it over herself.

"Rose, it's really good to see you!Shane was in here and told me about what happened.I know you don't remember anything right now, but just be patient and it'll come back.My cousin's kid fell off his bike, hit his head, and couldn't remember a thing.But in less than a week, it all came back."

Nick and Maggie give me a look that tells me they knew about Rose's condition, but they just weren't going to bring it up.I appreciate that and I'm sure the last thing Rose wants to do is talk about it with everyone when she steps foot outside the house.

"Thanks.It's really weird, but in a way, it's kind of freeing not having all that extra stuff going on.But it's also equally frustrating.Yet on the flip side, I get to have a bunch of firsts again.Right now I couldn't tell you what a burger tastes like, but I'm about to find out for the first time again.Who gets to say they can do that?"

"I could give you a few movies that I would love to be able to watch again for the first time.You should totally have a chick flick movie fest with her, Miles, she would love it," Maggie says with a huge smile on her face, and Rose’s eyes light up.

"Make a list and we'll do it.Keep it to the top classics."Maggie pulls a pen and paper out of her purse and starts writing stuff down.

Then I get to see Rose have a burger for the first time.It is an experience I have to say I am beyond thankful I get to experience with her.The pure bliss on her face is something I will never forget.

"This burger is absolutely amazing."Rose moans, and I can feel that moan all the way to my dick.Getting hard in the middle of a diner is not what I call fun, but Rose having this experience has been absolutely mesmerizing to me.

After we finish eating, the girls go to the restroom together, which gives me a chance to talk to Nick.

"You know, I don't think I ever really apologized for hitting on Maggie like I did.But if it meant that it kicked you into gear and made her happy like it did, I would do it all over again."

"I don't think Maggie realizes how close I came to ending up in jail for assaulting a police officer that day.But if I'm being honest, I'm glad you did it too, so long as you stay away from her now."He gives me a pointed look across the table.

"You have nothing to worry about.Rose is my Maggie.No other woman before Rose exists anymore."When I tell him this, his entire body relaxes and a big smile spreads across his face.

"I'm happy for you, man.There is no greater feeling than being in love."

I don't correct him, but love is a very strong word.Right now I'm not sure that's exactly what I'm feeling.All I know is I will happily go to jail for kicking the ass of anyone who tries to take her from me.


As I'm on my way back from the bathroom with Maggie going on and on about some of these movies that she put on the list for Miles to have me watch, we pass by the kitchen.

Jo is there and her voice stands out among all the noise.