Chapter 4


Lord,forgivemeforthe lies that I have told and the lies that I will tell.As I'm driving to my place with her hand in mine, I feel a bit guilty about leading her on with the way I have been letting her think that we're more than what we actually are.

Though I haven't really lied to her, she is mine, but I let her think that means we have this huge history between us and we've been together for a while.When only I know I just met this beautiful girl forty-eight hours ago.

Shane seemed to understand.He said that the look I had for Rose was the same one he had for his wife.It's like finding the other part of your soul he told me, and that's exactly what I feel like.Though he's insisted I tell her the truth, and I know he'll be protective of her since he was friends with her father.But at least he didn't stop me from bringing her home with me.

I will never forget that moment in the hospital room when she opened her eyes, and they landed on me.It was like my whole world turned upside down and finally made sense.It was as if I had been living in a shadow and in that moment when she looked at me, the sun finally shined on me.

It sounds corny as hell, and if it was anyone else I would laugh at them and just blow it off.Yet that's exactly how this girl made me feel.

It's weighing on me.I shouldn't feel guilty about bringing her home because her stepmother doesn't want her.If I didn't offer to take care of her, she'd still be in the hospital, which would suck.At least here she can recover in comfort, and she won't get better care than letting me watch out for her.

When we walk into my place, she stops and looks around.The walls are bare, and there isn't a lot of personality in the house, mostly just the essentials.

"This place is temporary.I was in town for a job here, and fell in love with Rock Springs, and decided to stay.So, I've been looking for my own place, and that's how we met.You can decorate my home however you like when you're feeling up to it."I tell her, and she nods, looking around.

"What was a state trooper doing in such a small town?"

"I'm an investigator.There was an illegal rodeo that was run out of Dallas, but had been dropping injured horses around Rock Springs.The ring had connections to this town.Fortunately, the case closed out at the end of last year," I tell her, and again she just nods, but steps a bit further into the room.

"What about me?What do I do?"

This is where all the research and stalking her that I did will come in handy.

"You have one more semester left of school, and you've been working at a sports bar waiting tables and tending bar."

"What do I go to school for?Do I like it?"

I figure I've told her enough lies already, so I need to be as honest with her as I can from here on out.Right now I make myself and her that promise, and hopefully, it'll be my saving grace when and if this all backfires on me.

"Honestly, I don't know if you like it.The job pays the bills, so I guess you like it well enough."I show her to our room, where I settled her stuff.Then I give her a tour of the place, showing her my office, and where I placed all of her things.When I go into the kitchen and start dinner, she joins me, sitting on one of the barstools and watches me.It turns out I like having her close by.

"You're allergic to peppers.Not ground pepper, but peppers like banana and bell peppers, along with all the spicier ones."I tell her making sure that she knows on the off chance that she encounters them when she's not around me, though I have no plans of leaving her side anytime soon.

While I cook dinner, she has this look on her face like she's studying me, but she doesn't ask any questions.

"You know you can ask me anything, right?"I say, trying to encourage her to talk so I can hear the sound of her voice.

"If I'm yours, does that make you mine?"

This girl seems to be completely okay speaking her mind, and I have to wonder if she's like this normally or if it's just because she doesn't remember anything.Either way, I find that I really like it.I set the knife down I was using to chop up some vegetables and make my way over to her.

Turning the barstool to face me, I step between her gorgeous tan thighs, and place my hands on her hips.When I see her breathing pick up, I'm glad to know that she's as affected by me as I am by her.

"I was yours from the moment that I saw you.But I want to make sure you understand what being mine means.It means I take care of you.Only I touch you, only I get to kiss these perfect soft lips."I trace her lips with my finger, and they pout slightly under my touch.

Under her thin shirt, I can see her nipples are hard, and I don't want to push her, but she isn't stopping me, so I'm going to make my point extra clear.

"Being mine means only I will bring you pleasure.And only I will make you cum."I whisper next to her ear, trailing a hand up her thigh and stopping at the bottom of her shorts.

She lets out a small gasp, and her grip on the side of the barstool tightens.

"But make no mistake, my Sleeping Beauty, it goes both ways.I'm yours, which means only you will get to kiss me, only you will bring me pleasure, and only you will make me cum."

A beautiful, sexy flush covers her skin, and I know I've pushed my luck as far as I should today.Though I can't seem to back away from her and put space between us.