"I don't think you do understand.I think I need to make my point a little bit clearer," he says as he takes my hand and leads me over to where he is on the bed.

When he slowly unbuttons my jeans, my breathing begins to race.After all this time, this is what it took to get him to take me to bed?If I had only known.He pulls my pants down and I step out of them.

Then, in one smooth move, he pulls me over his lap with my ass in the air.The shock of the position I'm in prevents me from moving right away.When I try to stand, he takes my wrists and pulls them to rest on my lower back, and holds them both in his large hand.

His other hand rubs over my ass cheeks before a strong slap replaces the soft touch.

"Did you just smack me?"I ask in shock.

"Yes, and my handprint looks beautiful on you."He does it again, this time harder.

He then rubs the spot, and his fingers get close to my core, and I'm spreading my legs hoping that's where he's heading.Instead, another slap lands on the other cheek and again he rubs the sting from it.This time he rubs over my underwear.

"You like this don't you?"

"No."I shake my head, trying to stand.

He easily overpowers me and runs a finger over my clit before gripping my panties and ripping them down my legs so my bottom half is bare to him.

"The first time I saw you was when you were laying on the ground.I was out driving and saw your horse there and knew something was wrong.I found you, and when I pushed the hair away from your face, it was like I had been sucker-punched."He rubs his hand over my ass, then down my slit to my clit again.

One more slap lands on my ass before he lifts me, turns me and pins my back to the bed, and cages me in with his body.

"I didn't leave your side, and had this obsession to find out who you were.The moment I had a name, I was stalking your social media and every single photo of you stole my heart a bit more."He brushes the hair from my face, and our eyes lock.

"I didn't lie that day.I said you were mine because by the time you opened your eyes you were.I led you to believe we were more yes, but if you really think about it, I told you the truth at every turn.I vowed to myself I would."

He doesn't move, and I think back to those first days coming home from the hospital.He didn't lie, and he had done so much research to take care of me, even investigating what I allergies I had.

"You were right, though.I was keeping you at arm's length in bed.I didn't want to sleep with you until your memories came back, and until you knew the truth.That wasn't a line I was willing to cross," he admits.

"Now that my memories are back, have your feelings for me changed?"I ask urgently, needing to know.

"God, no.I swear every day you find a way to make me fall in love with you a bit more."

"Did you...Did I just hear you..."?I can't seem to get the words out, and this makes him smile.

"Did I just admit I love you?I did.Because I do, Sleeping Beauty.I love you so fiercely that I can't let you just walk out that door unless it's with me by your side."

Tears sting my eyes, but I don't break eye contact.

"I love you, too.When I woke up that feeling was so strong, I thought we had been together for years because there was no way I could feel this way over someone I just met," I whisper.

"Say it again, Sleeping Beauty," his voice croaks.

"I love you, Miles."

"Fuck.I love you too, Rose."

"Will you make love to me now?"I ask because I don't think I can stand another minute of him not touching me.

"I promise to make love to you tonight, but now won't be it.I have been holding back for too long, and I can't hold back anymore."

Him holding back is the last thing I want.So I just pull him into a kiss, but he breaks the embrace to remove my shirt and his.The kiss we exchange is so fierce that I don't realize he's removed my bra or his pants.

The the next time I come for air, we are both naked and he's on top of me, his cock lined up at my entrance.My mind is blank as he slowly starts to slide into me.His eyes lock with mine, and just when I think the sex is going to be sweet and gentle, he thrusts all the way in filling me beyond what I thought was possible.

Without pausing, he starts a fast punishing pace that has me and the whole bed shaking.When the initial shock and pain are gone, every slide of his cock in and out of me drives my pleasure higher.