It's easier than I expected to sneak into the office, and thankfully, the key is exactly where he told me it would be.Yeah, now to get it and open the secret compartment which is going to take a little more finesse.After all, it's hidden in this desk for a reason.

Once I finally get the compartment open, I find a bunch of ranch paperwork along with a certified copy of his will, exactly like I hoped I would.

Then, sitting down in the chair that my dad would always sit in when he was talking to me, I spread the paperwork and the will out on the desk.As I read the will, it’s confirmed that it's exactly like Miles said.All of this, the ranch, the money, all of it, should have been mine.I'm reading over page after page of his will when suddenly Miles and my stepmother step through the door.

“This is not your house.You can't just go in and start ruffling through things.”My stepmother says and tries to take a step toward the desk, but Miles steps in front of her.

"My dad always kept copies of important papers in a hidden compartment in his desk.I know because he showed me many times.I don't know why I didn't think to check it before now.Maybe because I had no reason to think that you would screw me over until Miles did some digging.But it's just like he said, all of this is mine."


"You remember?"I ask in shock.

I should be focusing on the fact that she found the will and everything else.But all I can think about is that she remembers.She remembers.If she remembers this, then she remembers it all.The main thing is that she remembers that she didn't know me until the hospital.How long has she known, and what does that mean for us?

"Yes, it came back to me when I collapsed yesterday."

I'll have to deal with her not telling me about this later.

"He always said he’d leave it all to me anyway,” her stepmother says.“But he just never got around to changing his will."

"Why would he when this land has been in my family for generations, and not yours?"

The next hour is spent with the local sheriff showing up to handle the arrest of Rose's stepmother.I made sure to let her know that I'll help Rose go forth with pressing charges, so she will be forced to pay back all the money spent on non-ranch stuff.

When her step-siblings come home, her stepmother is just being carted off in the back of a police car.They seem completely shocked by the turn of events, but my Rose doesn't seem to be buying it.

"You both have forty-eight hours to pack your stuff and get off my land.”

"Why?When this was our home, too?"her stepsister whines.

"Then you should have acted more like family when you had the chance.Now I don't trust you, and I want you off the property because I don't believe that you didn't know your mother's scam."

To say I'm very proud of her for how she takes charge and confronts her step-siblings would be an understatement.Whatever she decides to do, I will back her up.

Chapter 14


I'mstillinabit of shock over all the events.Finding out that I truly do own the ranch and the land is a relief knowing my father took care of me.But that my stepmother is going to jail, that's a lot to take in.But what I'm most worried about is that Miles knows I have all my memories, and he hasn't said a word.

We're in the truck driving back to his place, and his eyes are on the road, his jaws clenched, and I can't get a read on him no matter what I try.

"Do you plan on moving into the ranch house?"he asks out of nowhere.

"I hadn't really thought about it, but yeah, it's my home.It's my family home, so yes, I think I will be."Now with the idea in my head, I like it even more.Finally, I can restore the ranch back to how it looked when my dad lived there, before my stepmom attempted to redecorate it.

He's back to being quiet the rest of the drive home.When we get there, he is still the perfect gentleman, opening my truck door and holding it open for me.But the moment we’re inside he takes my hand and leads me back to his bedroom; well, our bedroom, because no matter how upset I am at him for his lies, it is still our room.

"We need to deal with you lying and not telling me that you had your memory back," he says as he starts to roll up his sleeves and unbutton a few buttons on his shirt.

"I was mad and hurt that you wouldn't tell me what was going on, and I knew if I told you my complete plan, you wouldn't agree to it.But I'm not the only one that has lied in this relationship, am I?"

For just a brief moment, hurt flashes across his face.The last thing I ever wanted was to hurt him because I've had plenty of time to think during this time too, and despite our odd beginning, my feelings for him are real.

"That's no excuse to lie to me.In order to protect you, I have to know everything.Do you understand that?"He asks as he sits down on the edge of the bed.

I nod because I do understand it and I also understand that it's the cop in him.The desire to keep me safe, and that safety is part of what drew me to him in the beginning, when I didn't know anything about him.