After going over this on my way home, the moment I walk in the door, it's like she can read it all over my face.

"What's wrong?"She asks, and I hesitate.

I made myself a promise, no more lies and I refuse to lie to her right now about something like this.

"I found out some stuff about your ranch and the attorney who handled it, but I'm asking you to trust me to take care of it.It's a bit more complicated than you might think."

She stands there and looks at me for so long without talking I almost wonder if she heard me.When I take a step toward her, intent on pulling her into my arms, she takes a step back, turns around, and walks away.

She walks into our room and slams the door behind her.


Chapter 12


Ihavenoideawhere I'm going.All I knew was I couldn't stand there in the room with him any longer.He wants me to trust him, and something about using the word trust just set me off.I need a minute to gather my thoughts, but of course, I barely make it across the room before Miles is right behind me opening the door.Why the hell didn't I lock it?

"What was that about?"He asks, his voice still calm and collected, which is more than I can say for myself.

"So, I'm supposed to trust you, yet you can't trust me?"I turn around to look at him and all I see on his face is confusion.His eyes search me like he's going to find the answer to whatever question he has in them, but I just stand there and wait for him to respond.

"What the hell do you mean by that?Of course, I trust you."When he tries to take a step toward me, I take a step backward, and he immediately stops.Thankfully, he respects that I still need a little bit of space and I can't think when he's right on top of me.And I definitely can't think when he's touching me.

Before I speak, I try to connect all my thoughts and feelings in my head.He's patient with me and gives me the time that I need.

"No, you don't trust me.You're using this amnesia to keep me at arm's length.Even though you gave in when it came to pleasing me, you won't let me touch you, and you won't take it any further than that.Falling off the horse didn't make me stupid."By the time I'm done speaking, I realize I've raised my voice.

I have no idea what Miles's reaction is because in the next moment it's like a movie is playing in my head.Suddenly, I see the day that I had the fight with my stepmother, and getting on my dad's horse.How I rescued the bird and fall off hitting my head.As my entire world goes black, it all came back to me.

What I wouldn't give for a few more minutes of sleep.But as I wake up, I can hear Miles saying my name over and over again.It sounds really far away, yet as I wake it gets closer and closer.

"Rose, open your eyes.Come back to me, sweetheart.Please come back to me."

I'm so tired and exhausted that all I want to do is sleep, but I fight my eyes open to look at Miles.I'm now lying on the bed, and when I open my eyes, the look on his face is pure relief.Then it takes a moment for it all to come back.I remember what happened.

We were arguing over trust and the fact that he wants to handle the issue with my dad's lawyer.But he wants me to trust him to take care of it, which somehow triggered my memories, and everything is back.And I do mean everything, including the fact that I had never seen Miles before the moment I opened my eyes in the hospital.

Regardless of the fact that I didn't know Miles before my accident, I still feel safe with him.But I don't want to play my hand and let him know that I have all my memories just yet.

"Miles, tell me what you know about the lawyer that handled my dad's estate."

"Christ, Rose, give me a minute to recover.I just watched you collapse.Are you sure you're okay?Do we need to go see the doctor?"

"Miles, I'm fine.Just had a few more memories come back, nothing big, mostly stuff from school."

While I didn’t intend to lie to him, I needed a little bit of time to sort myself out and don't feel bad considering everything.

Then he tells me everything he found out about the attorney who handled my dad’s estate and my stepmom manipulating him.If I'm honest, it makes sense, and I'm not sure why I didn't think about it to begin with.

"I'm tired.I think I'd like to take a nap," I tell him and make myself comfortable in bed.He doesn't even try to hide the concern on his face.

“Just to be safe, I really think we should get you seen by the doctor."

"Really, I'm fine.I just want to nap, and then I'll be good as new."

"Do you want me to lie down with you?"I can't deny that his concern is touching.Since my father died, I don't think that anyone's ever been this concerned about me.