He makes small talk on the way there, telling me about a few animals he saw yesterday, and before I know it, he's pulling into the parking lot.

"Megan wanted me to be sure to tell you if you ever need anything to call her because she is happy to coordinate anything you need."

I thank him, and hesitantly step into Miles's office.

The nice lady who was at the receptionist’s desk the day he showed me around is there and recognizes me.

"Rose, right?You here to see Miles?"She says with a huge smile.

I nod, and she places a call to him, and a moment later Miles, in his uniform, rushes into the lobby with concern written all over his face.

"Rose, what is wrong?"

Seeing Miles in uniform makes me temporarily forget why I'm here to see him, and I'm struck speechless.There is something different about seeing him in uniform here in the office, than when he gets home and changes out of it each day.

"Rose?What’s wrong?"He asks me again, this time with a little more concern.

"Oh, um..."I look over at the receptionist, and he catches my meaning.

He takes my hand and leads me back to his office before closing the door.He sits on one of the leather chairs and then pulls me into his lap.

"How did you get here?"he asks softly.

"Oh, Megan texted me, and I asked her about a ride, and she sent Hunter."

"What's wrong, Sleeping Beauty?"He asks again, running his hand through my hair.

"I woke up with this pressing need to talk to the attorney who handled my dad's estate, but I don't know why.I just know the need to talk to him is making me panic."

His hand softly cups my cheek, and he places a light kiss on my cheek.

"Let me look into it, okay?"He then kisses my jawline to my ear.

"Can I stay here?I don't really want to be alone."

"Of course," he says, and with another soft kiss, he stands and sets me in the chair alone, and goes back to his desk chair.

I pull up the reading app on my phone and start reading some of the books I found there.

What are the chances he will let me come in with him every day because I feel so much safer here than being left home alone?


After Rose spent the day in my office with me, it was torture not to have her there every day.She understood why she couldn't be, but that doesn't mean either of us liked it.

But she did ask me to start waking her up before I left so she could say goodbye.That quickly turned into me waking her up with my head between her thighs, the same way she goes to sleep every night.

It's been a great distraction since I won't let her return the favor or go any further.With multiple orgasms a day, who would complain, really?

Thankfully, things have been slow enough I was able to dig into this attorney she asked me to.I spoke to a few contacts and did some investigating.

It looks like she had every right to be concerned and needed to talk to him.The ranch and every cent of her father’s money was supposed to go to her to run it.From what I have found, it looks like her stepmom slept with the right people to get it buried and then lost.

Ever since her stepmom has been bleeding money from the ranch.Thankfully, her dad was a lucky man and had talked with many people who, when asked the right questions by the law, were willing to tell what they knew.

In short, the attorney didn't bury it deep enough and then pissed off his secretary, who knew more than she should have.

I don't have anything on paper just yet, but I have a lead because her dad was a smart man, so I am working on it and hoping to have more before I sit and talk to Rose.Right now, I don't want her concerned until I know more.