"Rose!"a big bald guy shouts my name from behind the bar.

A moment of hurt flashes across his face when I don't instantly recognize him, but he covers it up well.

"I'm Ricky.I own the place."The man says not just to me but to Miles as well.

"You're who I talked to on the phone.I'm Miles."Miles holds his hand out for the older man to shake.

"Come sit down.Lunch is on me.Let me grab your check, and I'm happy to answer any questions that you have," Ricky says before heading to the back office.

Since they just opened, I’m standing in the mostly empty space, looking around.It’s a typical college sports bar with booths, TVs on the wall, and college decorations everywhere, including some signed jerseys and photos.I seem to have a few vague memories of serving people here, but nothing of importance and no customers that I recognize.

"Anything?"Miles asks hesitantly.I can never tell if he wants the memories to come back or not.

"Not really, just a few memories of waiting tables here.But nothing really important.No one I recognize and no conversations, just snippets that could be as simple as my brain making it up now that I've been here."I tell him as he leads me to a booth to sit down.

"There's no rush, Sleeping Beauty.Don't force it.It'll come when it's ready, and I'm not going anywhere, not even when all your memories return."

That's when Ricky comes back.But all through lunch, I can't help but think that's such an odd thing for him to say.

Chapter 10


Afterwehadlunchin Amarillo, Rose seemed off and tired, so I decided to get us a hotel room for the night.That way, she could rest instead of enduring the long ride back to Rock Springs.

She curled right up to me for the rest of the afternoon.As much as I loved her in my arms, I had an uneasy feeling as well.

That was a few days ago, and now she's pulling back even more.I'm starting to lose my mind because I worry she's not going to give me a chance to explain.That once her memories come back, she's going to up and leave me.

But I meant what I said.She’s mine.I'm not going anywhere no matter what.She can run, but I will use every resource at my disposal to find her.Though I never thought I would be that guy.

As she takes a shower, I'm sitting on the bed scrolling through my emails that I can't seem to concentrate on.I could tell some memories came back to her today, but she won't talk about them and is walking around in a bit of a daze.

When she comes out of the shower, she barely looks in my direction.Then she walks over to her side of the bed, crawls in, curls up, and goes to sleep.

I lean in and kiss her temple, "get some rest, Sleeping Beauty.Everything will look better in the morning."

At least I hope everything will look better.Though I think I'm trying to convince myself more than her because I know I'm not going to sleep.When I turn off the lights and lie down, she's as far to the other side of the bed as she can get.It’s a clear sign she doesn't want to cuddle with me tonight.

I hate this wall between us, and I know that if she would just talk to me, I could fix it.Though I should just be open and honest, but part of me thinks that will only speed up the process of her walking away.

I don't know how long I lie there, but I know she falls asleep.But it's not a calm sleep as she's constantly twitching and moving.I have a thought that it might be something to do with the memory she had today coming back.A split second later, she's screaming in her sleep, and the sound makes my blood run ice cold.

"Rose, wake up."I gently try to shake her awake.When I call out her name again, and finally, she opens her eyes, the look of pure terror on them almost kills me.

She launches herself into my arms, seeking comfort, and I hold her tight as her whole body shakes.

"Don't leave me, Miles!You can't leave me.Swear that you won't leave," she keeps mumbling over and over again.

"My darling Rose, I am not going anywhere.Even if you were to tell me to leave and try to kick me out of your life, I still would not be going anywhere.You're stuck with me."But no amount of reassurance seems to calm her down.

Instead of trying to tell her what she means to me, I decide to show her by tilting her head up ever so slowly.Then I drop my lips down to hers.She leans into my kiss like she's drowning and I'm the last bit of air.

She pulls me into her so close that there isn't an inch of space between our bodies, and I know she feels how hard I am.While I want this girl with every fiber of my being, tonight just proves it's the right thing to do to wait until her memories come back.

I'm so focused on her lips and the feel of her hair in my hands, I don't notice her moving her hand until she rests it on my cock.The feeling has my whole body jerking at the sensation.

When I reach down and take her hand in mine, the hurt is obvious in her eyes.After the night she had, there is no way I'm getting pleasure from it.I roll her onto her back.